Thursday, September 20, 2007

Why the Kraziness

6 am: Up while it is still dark! Gradually wake up one four year old (who is grumpy), one 12 year old (who is grumpy) and one six year old (who is way grumpy!). Convince the dog(who is grumpy) that ,Yes, it is time to go out.

6:15 Speak rather firmly my son(12), o.k., yell at him to get into the shower. Explain to my 4 yr old son the , No, we cannot watch T.V. until everyone is ready to go. This is not a new rule. It has been in place all year. He must be trying to wear me down. Tell my daughter (6) that if she does not get up, I get to pick her clothes out for her. She got up.

6:45 We are ready, barring shoes and socks. Daddy bought donut gems for breakfast. Not so good, of course. If we did not have donuts in the house, they would have wanted them.

7:15 Backpacks packed, shoes on, ready to go. Oh, by the way, I want to bring my lunch today! DD(dear daughter). She has recently decided that she is allergic to jelly and only wants peanut butter. She has also decided that she is allergic to spots on her clothes. Pack her lunch and we are out the door at 7:30!!

7:40 We are finally in the car! Get to the school without having to go back for anything!! Two youngest are at school and in the building ( whether the youngest actually gets into his class is up to the teacher)

*in between all this, I am getting calls from crossing guards (I'm the lead) about trouble with lights, needing off, etc.*

*Don't forget the husband (while you are out today could you....)

8:10 Pick up carpool ( just one) and head to the middle school.

8:15 head back to carpool's apartment to get the forgotten permission slip

8:25 Drop 12 year old off with everything he needs(I hope). Wait 5 minutes to get out of the school drive.

8:30 Get to the gym.!! Walk and talk for 30 minutes. Talk to my friend outside the gym.

9:45 throw a load of clothes in, let the dog out to finish his business. Check some e-mails

Somewhere in there I get to eat breakfast

10:30 jump in the shower

10:50 get in line to pick up youngest. He had a happy face daty Talk to my boss about payroll issues.

11:00 We are on the way to my sister's house. She is watching him while I am at a teacher conference for my daughter. No problems- she is finishing her work too fast and then talking. I blame my sister.

1200 Leave my sister's and head home to scarf some lunch and get to the conference at 1:30

1:30 Conference time!!

2:00 Done! " I am really impressed with L's language abilities" ( She talks too much) The teacher is really on top of things though. I hope it will be a great year.

* Don't have time to get back to my sister's before afternoon crosswalk. Feel sorry for her- She has three boys who are all four years old!! (mine and her twins)

2:30-3:15 Train new crossing guard.

3:30 Pick up carpool at middle school

4:00 Snack time and going through backpacks trying to prevent the " Oh, by the way Mom..." for tomorrow morning.

The rest of the evening will consist of Laundry, homework, projects (2 of them), dishes, dinner, showers, books, and bed for the children. Somewhere in there is time with my husband. Finish with my e-mails. Watch a little T.V. Make sure everything is ready for tomorrow morning. Fall into bed about 11:30.

Today is a calm day.

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