Monday, September 24, 2007

A Weight is Gone

Well, I did it. I called my boss and told him that Oct. 19 is my last day. I don't think it bothered him. He asked me to pick someone to replace me. Is that my job? I asked one of the guards that has seniority and she is going to think about it. Then my boss passed someone else to me to show her what I do. I am NOT going to stress any longer. I am going to call my guards and let them know that I am quitting and to pick up their paystubs now. My kids come first!!

After dinner, we read a book (Bear's New Friend) and made a cake. L and a got to lick the beaters while A got to lick the bowl. Daddy got the spatula. They all got tucked into bed on time!! Early, even. What a relief to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I want to be a mom again!

L got paperwork for the Gifted and Talented program at her school. Last year the teacher told us that she was not eligible for the GT program. Now, I am not bragging, but anyone who has met L says, HUH? to this. She began speaking when she was two and really has not stopped expressing herself. ( I may have said this before but I blame my sister) We will see what happens. If she does not qualify this time, no problem. I think I will just keep her learning extra stuff here at home.

It feels good to focus on my children.

1 comment:

Hellen said...

I'm really happy for you Karen, I'm excited that you'll be able to be the Mom that you want to be instead of a headless chicken. You're a wonderful person Karen and deserve the chance to let some stress go and be freeeeeeeeeee!!
We adore you!! Good choice!