Saturday, May 23, 2009


Well, I know I said that I was not feeling well, but...... Just as I was beginning to feel better, I made a visit to Lowe's. I was supposed to pick up some flowers that they were donating to my daughter's Girl Scout troop. As I was walking up to the Outdoor half of the building, I tripped over the tongue of a trailer that they had chained to a lamp. The trailer was for sale and the tongue was sticking out in front of the lamp itself while the rest of the trailer was behind the post. I never saw the tongue and tripped right over it. I tried to save myself and stumbled several steps. I then promply took a face plant. I banged up my nose, teeth, lip, chin and knee. I actually had my first nosebleed. Granted, it wasn't very big, but to have my face dripping blood really made me shake. A customer gave me some wipes and got the manager for me. We are waiting to see what Lowe's claim department has to say, but in the meantime I have been to the doctor and at this time nothing seems to be broken. We are waiting to see the results of my nose x-ray. I am aching so bad that I can barely move my arm and my knee is giving me some problems. I have to be really careful about eating as well because my front teeth hurt. "Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?" Is anyone else wondering what else can go wrong?

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I am really feeling sick. My allergies are having fun with my body. Welcome to cottonwood season. I may not be posting for a while. Coming up we have awards for all three kids as well as end of the year events. I'll let you know later how things later. moan, sniff, cough

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

My husband rocks in so many ways.
This is what my family gave me for Mother's Day. These are the shoes from each of my children. Clark spray painted them and put their names by each one and mounted them on a plaque to put on the wall. I almost cried! I really think that it wasn't that long ago that they were this small. They are, in order, from left to right....Aaron, Lauren, Alex.
My morning really started at 5ish when Lauren woke me up with.."I think I'm going to throw up!" We spent some time on the potty and then I set up the "sick couch" for her. She never did throw up but she did not improve. As a matter of fact, she got worse. Her head began to hurt and then her body. All along she had been complaining of her throat hurting. By about 5 pm she was running a fever. So we went to the doctor today and, yes Virginia, we have strep....again. She is sleeping now and has been all afternoon. I need to give her the antibiotic, but I do not want to wake her up. She will be out until Wednesday and we had to get a note from the doctor saying what she had so she can get back into school. Let's pray nobody else gets it.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Sister Rocks

My sister rocks cause she is the coolest. She created this Smilebox video of Lauren's First Communion and even convinced Lauren to allow people to see it. It was so neat. At the reception, Leslie worked very hard to make sure that everything went perfect. I owe her a lot of thanks!!!

Lauren's Day

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