Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hey, you wanna buy some cookies?

We got a bunch of different kinds.... Just let me know and they ship well. Lauren is trying to sell 2000 boxes. The troop wants to go to Sea World with the money we earn. I'll let you know how close we get.

Here we are at Grandmommy's house. Lauren, Alex and Bryson are all playing Kirby on Lauren's new DS lite. It was very cute to see the serious faces as Lauren explained how to play. Grandmommy did not seem to care that she had no idea what they were talking about, but she seemed to enjoy herself.


It has been a while since I have been able to blog, so let's play catch-up:

Christmas was great. Nobody was sick and Heather even made it to Grandma and Grandpa's house for dinner with the family. The kids received what they wanted from family and Santa and even Mom and Dad each surprised each other with a special gift. Some tension at G'ma's and G'pa's but we moved on. New Year's was spent quietly with just us. Right after, we went to Grandmommy's and had a good visit with her. Clark's brother and his family were also there and after a few minutes of typical working things out, the cousins were great friends. I hope to post pictures at some point.

My birthday was fantastic. Santa had brought a fondue set for me and Clark and Aaron went out and got a whole lot of stuff for dinner. Lauren and I went to a Girl Scout meeting that night and the girls made cards for Mom and I and the troop got us both gift cards. It was very sweet. When we got home, we all had cheese fondue and then seafood, beef, and chicken with stuffed mushrooms. Clark made several different sauces and dips and it was FANTASTIC!! He is amazing. As if that was not enough, the following Saturday, he sent my mother, sister, sis-in-law and I to a spa for a haircut, manicure and pedicure. It was sooo nice.

Also in January, we started selling Girl Scout Cookies...... want to buy some?? I am also planning a Star Wars Clone Wars birthday party for Alex, a Webkinz party for Lauren and coming up is First Confession and First Communion for Lauren. So as you can see, I may not be one much during the next several weeks. I promise pictures at some point. Until then, XXOO