Thursday, December 27, 2007

Post Christmas Fun

We had a WONDERFUL Christmas! Hope you all had the same. We opened gifts here at the house that morning. The kids really seemed to enjoy what they got. Santa was listening very hard this year. Clark received the movies he wanted as well as gifts from the kids. I think I received the best present ever!! Clark had taken the kids out one Sunday and they gave me the result on Christmas. It was several different poses of the kids from Glamour Shots. There was one of all four of them, with individual shots of each. I have already put them up and hope to scan them so you can see how great they are. I cried when I saw them. Oh, I also got a 4 meg flash drive to store my pictures on.

The only bad note was when Clark had to go to the Emergency room due to the staph infection on his face. The medicine he is on is really putting him down, big time. He was not up to coming to my mom's for Christmas dinner, but he did come for a few minutes afterwards.

We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening at Mom and Dad's. We exchanged gifts and played and talked and had a great time. There was not even any arguing!! Christmas miracles DO happen. Just kidding! When we got home, everyone was on their way to bed when Heather came home from her mom's. So, we had another round of gift giving. It was hard to put the little guys down after that, so we had a lot pf patience.

The next day we spent taking all of Alex's stuff out of Heather's room so now she does have her own room. We have spent the last several days getting the boys' room together. I am bound and determined to get it done before they go back to school. We have only one wall left. Of course that wall has a large dresser with all the drawers crammed with stuff. Aaron has a friend over so that will wait until tomorrow. All in all it has been a very nice holiday.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Wrapping Party

I am SOOOO tired!! Last night we had a wrapping party at my mom's. This was when we all brought our presents and our wrapping supplies and stay up until everything is wrapped. We were up until 4 am. We had such fun. I took my friend home and got to bed around 5:30.. You know you are out too late when your 19 year old step-daughter gets home before you. I actually got the " If you are going to be out late, you have to call...." talk from my husband. I then got up at 7:30 with my kids. WE are taking a nap. My sister gets to go shopping with my dad and her twin boys. HA!

Thursday's itinerary: Up to take first child to school ,going out to the driveway to see a flat tire!! PANIC just a bit. Called car pool's mom and she took her child to school, walked my two to school, we got a ride halfway there. Thank you, Satia! Borrowed Heather's car to take middle school carpool to school. Woke Heather up again to take van into the tire shop. She then took me to the store to get the last minute items for Alex's holiday party. The tire shop finished the van within an hour. Hurray!! Went to Alex's party, it was GREAT. Did regular afternoon stuff. Everything normal until the evening. Started baking and baking and baking... Aaron wanted to bring brownies to each of his classes. He has six classes and the office staff. This was 14 dozen brownies. I made an extra batch just in case.

Friday's business: Took morning carpool, Heather took Alex and Lauren to school. came back for middle schoolers and Ms. Blanche. She had to take Dylon his inhaler. Everyone carried brownies. Ran home to make the extra batch, picked up Alex. Heather took a batch to Aaron and then put Alex down for nap. I went to Lauren's holiday party, got her out early and went get afternoon carpool. Took Lauren home and took the last brownie batch to Aaron. Good thing I did. Someone bumped into him and he dropped a whole plateful. Picked up last carpool and fell asleep!! Just kidding. FUN FUN FUN!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Fun Fun Fun

I am cutting out noses for "Pin The Nose On The Snowman" Tomorrow, I am going on the Polar Express with Lauren's class. I have helped my Aaron with his Beyond The Book project. I have to bake brownies for Aaron's school and I am going to two holiday parties.

I am so glad that I am not working. My sister has recently gotten a job and I am so proud of her. She has been out of work for several years and I know that this was a hard decision for her. She is doing an amazing job keeping things up. Way to go, Leslie!!

My sis-in-law has just gotten her Master's and is a great example to us all that even moms can go to school. I am so waiting for my guys to go to school full time so I can go back myself.

Not much else is going on. (understatement!!)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Someday soon I am going to change my bio, but I think I will wait a little. Today, Aaron was yelling at Lauren and Alex about why they left the front door open because Elvis was going to get out... He looked back at me and said "Oh yeah.."

Monday, December 10, 2007

General Stuff

We have been a little hectic the past week or so with casino parties and such. We are also trying to get our house ready for my 19 year old step-daughter to move in with us. Boy, talk about excited!!! Alex is staying with Aaron and is already calling his room " Heather's room". We are almost done decorating the inside of the house for Christmas. OK, maybe about 75 % done.

We found Elvis's stocking which really upset the little ones. Thy asked me how Elvis was going to get his presents this year. I told them that God would be taking care of it for Santa. They just stood there looking at it, so I told them that they could give it a hug if they wanted. I thought that I was going to cry when they both hugged the stocking and gave it a kiss. They still talk about missing him. Alex will break down and cry, usually when he is tired, but still...
Tonight as we finished setting up the living room, Alex pulled out the stocking and gave it to Clark and said " You could hug it if you want to, Daddy" Clark got a little emotional. Lauren was playing with Elvis's collar and Alex said that he couldn't smell Elvis anymore. I have kept his squeaky toy in a bag. I think I'll get it out for them tomorrow so they can smell him again. It still makes me cry...

My head tells me that he was "just" a dog, but my heart misses him. Compared to what some of my other friends are going through, I feel rather silly behaving this way. I think it makes me more sad when my children are upset.

In the meantime, I am busy making a Pin The Nose On The Snowman game for Alex's class. I am gong to be taking pictures of the kids in Lauren's class for a teacher gift. I think I will do the same for Alex's. Both of them have such wonderful teachers. I feel lucky this year. Aaron is having some trouble with one of his teachers, but I told him that this would not be the first time he would have to just work with her. As long as she doesn't get too rough....

I think that catches you up. Check out this link. It kind of shows what my friend Hellen's daughter, Emily, is going through...

Monday, December 3, 2007


When most women say that their husbands are magic, I don't think they mean in the same way that I do. "It was a magical night" has a different twist in my house.

Tonight, my husband and his partner are at a magic show. They are performing their stage show and will be levitating my son, Aaron. What kid can say that they were up late because they were floating in mid-air. That is almost as good as "My dog ate my homework". I think he will get points for creativity.

On a different note; does anyone know of someone who wants to illustrate a children's story? I have one that I want to see about getting published and I cannot draw to save my life. I have no money to pay,but I will split any profits with them. If there is any, that is.

I hope everyone's season is going well!!