Thursday, December 27, 2007

Post Christmas Fun

We had a WONDERFUL Christmas! Hope you all had the same. We opened gifts here at the house that morning. The kids really seemed to enjoy what they got. Santa was listening very hard this year. Clark received the movies he wanted as well as gifts from the kids. I think I received the best present ever!! Clark had taken the kids out one Sunday and they gave me the result on Christmas. It was several different poses of the kids from Glamour Shots. There was one of all four of them, with individual shots of each. I have already put them up and hope to scan them so you can see how great they are. I cried when I saw them. Oh, I also got a 4 meg flash drive to store my pictures on.

The only bad note was when Clark had to go to the Emergency room due to the staph infection on his face. The medicine he is on is really putting him down, big time. He was not up to coming to my mom's for Christmas dinner, but he did come for a few minutes afterwards.

We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening at Mom and Dad's. We exchanged gifts and played and talked and had a great time. There was not even any arguing!! Christmas miracles DO happen. Just kidding! When we got home, everyone was on their way to bed when Heather came home from her mom's. So, we had another round of gift giving. It was hard to put the little guys down after that, so we had a lot pf patience.

The next day we spent taking all of Alex's stuff out of Heather's room so now she does have her own room. We have spent the last several days getting the boys' room together. I am bound and determined to get it done before they go back to school. We have only one wall left. Of course that wall has a large dresser with all the drawers crammed with stuff. Aaron has a friend over so that will wait until tomorrow. All in all it has been a very nice holiday.

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