Sunday, September 23, 2007

Family Day

Sunday: A day of calm and being with family. In a dream!!

"A" heads off to Sunday school at 9am. Back to the house to grab DD to head to her class at 10:45.

DH and I have serious talk about my continuing to work. I am supposed to be working part-time as a lead crossing guard. I took this job because I was able to spend time with my kids while doing something important. I quit a supervisor position at a financial institution after DD was born. I understand what it is to work full time and to bring work home with you. I QUIT that job. I now have 20 schools to supervise. That means about 40 guards (44 including substitutes). Next year, I have been told that the ISDs that I cover will be opening 5 new elementary schools. My job is to fill all the positions, liason between schools, parents and crossing guards, to visit each school in a timely fashion to make sure that the guards are doing what they are supposed to, and to subsitute when necessary. All I have been doing is working a stop. I am VERY stressed. I have parents, schools and supervisors calling me about various things all the time. I have no control over the firing and hiring of guards, that is up the ladder. My back is killing me, my house is a mess, and my kids are pretty much on their own. Sounds like whining, huh? I know what to do. I just have to do it.

On to the day.

I have just had to take a little break to do crosswalk stuff. It is 8:30pm.

After DD was done with Sunday school, we went to Grandma's house. We were going to make cookies. We had even brought our own flour, sugar, pans, etc. When the kids got there all they wanted to do was play. So Grandma and I sat and had a good talk.

* Earlier, "a" had called "H"(college) and said:

"H, this is "a". I miss you. You are a busy girl. Will you play blocks with me? We are going to Grandma's house."

This is how a conversation with a 4 yr old goes.

She then told me that she would show up at Grandma's house as a surprise. When she got there, everyone was so excited. You would have thought it had been years since we have seen her. We saw her about a week ago. She is great. She played outside and inside and sat for a portrait by DD. She left to go finish some homework and see a movie with her roommate. The kids really had a good time. It was a very nice surprise.

While this was going on, DH and"A" and 7 of his closest friends went to the Ranger game (thanks, Grandpa).

Home, then showers, then dinner and while watching Winnie The Pooh, both little guys crashed. It was a very good day.

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