Friday, November 2, 2007


I am sorry that I do not have the pictures yet for Halloween. But the kids were so cute. We had a friend of Lauren's from down the street come by three times to make sure that we were going to go around with them. We got our costumes on and Aaron volunteered to man the candy at the door instead of go around with us. Clark had a magic show that night in Dallas. Alex was a bat and Lauren was a woodland fairy complete with wings that moved when she moved her shoulders. We had such a good time running from house to house. There were six kids and four adults in our group. We took turns being in the front and corralling the kids. It felt a lot like herding cats.

We got home and finished about 8:00 pm and then divided out candy. Aaron got some of the loot because he worked. The kids kept about a quarter of their candy and gave the rest to the Halloween Witch. For those of you who have not heard of her, the Halloween Witch take most of your candy and exchanges it for books or toys or other fun stuff. The more candy you give her, the more fun stuff you get back. This way, the kids get some candy to make them happy and they also get other non-candy things. This year Alex and Lauren got several books and a couple of Littlest Pet Shop critters as well as a Webkinz. ( You have got to check this out. One of the girls in Lauren's Daisy troop told us about Webkinz and they are so cool. It is an interactive website that only costs the price of the stuffed animal and is good for a year. There are actually learning opportunities for the kids on the website. Aaron got an origami kit and a Marvel comics magnet set.

Back to the story... I was really glad that we had the incentive to see what the witch brought us the next morning because we got up an hour later than usual!! Everyone was dressed and eating before they could see what they received in their treat baskets. We actually made it to school on time that day!!

Clark had a really good time at his magic show. It was a success!! The client seemed happy.
I have been running around too much the past couple of days and I am really tired in the evenings, but I am still going to scrapbook tonight!! I should probably get some of my film developed. I only have 10 rolls or so. Oh, well.

I am off to do a million loads of laundry and then pick up Alex.

Welcome to steam of consciousness from Karen!!

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