Monday, July 21, 2008

Well, I have news. You could call it good news in a way. After a lot of praying and talking and yes, crying, we have decided that Clark will NOT take the job in Kuwait. I recently went to a talk by Steve Ray, who wrote Crossing the Tiber. He spoke about showing our children that we prayed and believed in God, not just saying it. This was a great teaching moment for that. When we told the children that we had prayed about this, they asked "What did you pray?" Clark explained that he asked that if this was the job God meant for Clark to take, that some of the stress and anxiety would be lifted from us. And that if this was not the path for our family, that God would show us a very definite sign. We got that sign Wednesday night and sent the email that night to the company saying that Clark was not taking the job. I am not going to tell you the signs we received because they are rather private. We did share them with the children and that we are putting our future into God's hands and believe that He will provide for us until the right job comes along. Aaron started with tears of of relief and Alex jumped up and hugged Clark. Lauren was a little more introspective. She snuggled up and asked a lot of questions and signs and prayer, etc. All in all, I think it is the best decision for us all even though we continue to search. So, keep us in your prayers and thank you for all your thoughts.

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