Thursday, August 28, 2008


I love my children. I really do. Having said that, I just know there is a file on someones desk with my name on it!! Yesterday, I took the carpool to pick up the big kids. I had to turn in some paperwork for Aaron's schedule change. I left one big guy in the car with the other medium guys listening to a book on CD. I took Alex with me to the school office. While we were in the office, Alex acted like he had to go to the bathroom, so I pointed it out across the hall. When I got the new schedule and turned around he was gone. I called into the bathroom, and the lady on the bench in the hall said that she saw him go outside. I began to get very concerned. I went outside and proceeded to start the hunt. The longer it took the madder and more scared I got. When I got in sight of the van, I saw him inside. I then pulled him out and, in front of all the other parents in the carpool lanes and waiting on the grass, swatted his little hinney three times, hard. Here's how I imagine the conversation would go... Look at that little boy. Can you believe that his mother would let him wander around that little? Then, Look at that mother. She is really beating that little boy. Either way, I lose!

To top that off, last night, Lauren was very congested and woke up asking for the detonator! It took me a few minutes to realize that she meant the humidifier. Or did she? She may have really needed to loosen up that congestion.

Other Laurenisms... popsiwiggle (Popsicle) refrigilator ( refrigerator) Aggretate ( aggravate and irritate) owbie ( owwie) We can't say booboo because that is what we call Aaron. Only she had to change that as well and calls him booey. She is her own person that is for sure!!

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