Thursday, February 12, 2009


So, I am not able to use my oven yet. Several days ago, we had tacos (homemade) and my husband decided to heat up the crunchy shells in the oven on the racks. It seems that the bottom rack was too close to the burner. When we saw the flames, we became concerned. We, of course had an extinguisher and were able to put it out without any damage. However, it has taken us several days to get all the extinguisher residue out of the oven. I am not comfortable with cooking in there while there is even the chance of something being left. All our meals have been on the top of the stove or bought. What fun. I am not griping, but my husband is home. He is not working. He could be taking care of this stuff. I am working, part-time mind you. Then, picking up carpool kids and snacking them, separating them, homework, etc. Keeping up with the laundry, dishes, and on and on and on. GRRRRR! Oh, well...deep breath and back to the business of life.

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