Sunday, September 21, 2008

Slug Bug

For those of you who don't know or have been in a bubble, there is a car game called "slug bug". Basically what you do is look for Volkswagen Beetles and call them and then you get to hit your friends in the car with you. Since we thought that was just asking for someone to get beaten on all the time , we have changed the rules up a bit. Rules, you ask? Oh, yes there are actual rules for this game. Check out the website

Anyway, we don't allow hitting of any kind. We are on the point system and the one with the most points when the car reaches a destination, wins. Actually, my husband and son made up this point system.

1. A new model: one point
2. A convertible new model: two points
3. An old model: three points
4. A broken down slug bug (any model): 4 points
5. An old model convertible: 5 points
6. A bug with a logo of any kind or crazy decorations (mouse ears, pizza sign, etc.) wins the game automatically

We work on the honor system. You only have to prove a logo bug. If you call a non-bug, you lose a point. And, yes, you can be negative.

This game works great on long trips and works well in teams. Little guys get some leeway, because there are other cars that mimic a slug bug front, etc. There have been disputes and Clark says he is the Commissioner and all disputes need to go through him. We don't think so.

We had a lot of fun when we went to San Antonio on Friday with Clark.

Looking at that statement made me realize that I am a great big liar!! We tried to have a lot of fun. There, that's better. We decided at the last minute to head with Clark when he went for an interview. We were going to spend the night in the hotel and head back on Saturday morning. It seemed like a fantastic idea at the time. Someone should have hit me over the head to wake me up. Here's a recipe for stress:

Three kids who had just spent all day at school.
One Dad who had spent all day trying to get things set up for the baseball game Saturday.
One Mom who had been on her feet for three and a half hours dealing with 700-800 kids in a lunchroom and then come home to help the other crankies pack.
Please stir up and stick in an enclosed space for 5 hours. Add no DVD players that work and only one radio. To add spice, throw in bathroom breaks at different times and a Mom who gets carsick. Store in the oldest La Quinta in the world. The next day, start with a Dad who has to get to an interview bright and early and add kids who realize that there was NO pool. Shake up some more and stick back in an enclosed space that has gotten smaller somehow and drive for another 5 hours to get back to a baseball game. Please run me over now!!

There were some fun parts:
Clark had Alex pack himself. Guess how that went!! Alex had one shirt, his swim trunks, two snuggle friends and ALL of his Star Wars toys.

Lauren packed VERY well and remembered underwear. She just brought about 10 snuggle friends and then wanted to bring her body pillow, boppy, car pillow and two blankets.

Aaron was very close as well, just forgot the baseball pants he was supposed to change into for his game.

Clark just brought his suit and the clothes on his back.

We made a pit stop at the cricket capital of Texas on the way. Clark chose to park under a lamp post, which basically said "Let's do a remake of "The Birds" but with crickets"!!! AAARGH!

It was just too much to ask. We went to bed and tried to start over. This morning I woke up with a little guy on either side of me snuggling hard. Both Lauren and Alex have had a nap and we are going to go to bed early tonight as well.

This just lets me know how far from making a car trip to Disney we are. We are going to practice between now and next summer.


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