Sunday, August 15, 2010


School is starting in ONE week! I am excited, the kids...not so much.

Aaron picks up his schedule on Tuesday and this year, the High School will be posting supply lists! Joy of joys! I will not have to fight the crowds of all the other high school parents fighting for school supplies during the first week of school. We will all get to fight it out now the week BEFORE school! Isn't that great?

Lauren's supplies showed up this weekend and I think I am more excited than she is. We are using a new program that supplies ALL the supplies she needs...even paint for art and a jump rope for PE.

Alex is still waiting. We find out who his teacher is on Tuesday and that will determine if we homeschool him. If we do decide to homeschool him, I will have to create the program myself. The only pre-packaged programs for him at this stage require a fee. And, we are still trying to get back on our feet financially. I am not too worried. There is sooo much information out there, that I feel confident that I can do it!

I am going to try and get a few kids in to help bring in some money. My other option is to work at night while Clark is at home with the kids and he already works during the day. It would be hard but once the house is sold, we should be able to down-size things to where me working will be a short term thing, I hope!

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