Sunday, November 15, 2009


This one of those times that it is better that you do not ask. He found a strip of ribbon and somehow thought tying himself up was a good idea. The look of surprise on his face when I asked what he was doing was priceless. Was there supposed to be a reason? He couldn't tell me why because he never actually was thinking about it. I can't wait until he gets older and I can say things like " What were you thinking" and realize that he was, in fact, NOT thinking at all. When he shrugs his shoulders, it means he really does not know what he was thinking. At first I was thinking stuntman, now I am thinking either magician or escape artist. God love him! He just makes me shake my head. This is a prime example of why you need to keep an eye on little boys because you just don't know what they will get into on their own.

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