Monday, December 22, 2008


These are my little guys. This is the sweetest little picture. Clark had the kids snuggling in our bed while I finished up the laundry, dishes, lights, etc. He called me in and I had to snap this shot. She has had a rough day being off of her schedule and Alex has tried to love her several times. I guess this time took. It is times like this that help me realize that they will always be there for each other even when they are mad at each other.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Dad

This is my dad. He looks a little grumpy and like he might be hard to live with. I know sometimes my mom thinks so. Growing up he was VERY different with us than he is now with our kids. He has invented the "Grandpa Clause" which basically means that when we parents say no to our kids, Grandpa can come in and override us. He has been through a lot in his life and I am sure my brother and sister and I have put him through a lot more since then. ( More them than me, of course)
Underneath the gruff exterior, he does have a huge heart. Most recently, Lauren and Alex's school has started a WATCH D.O.G.S. group. This is for dads, grandpas, uncles and other father figures to be at the school during the day to be a positive role model for the kids. He signed up for two days, not just one. This way he could be there for both of the little guys and they could have their own special day with Grandpa.
He also will never play Santa even though he has the beard (and the belly). He said that he just can't take the heartbreak when a child comes up and asks for something that is serious like making a sick person well or bring a parent back.
He also sends things thru e-mail that ALWAYS get to me. He very rarely forwards on stuff and I mean, rarely. Here is a copy of one he just send. It is a two hankie. My Dad was in the service and whenever we see a person in uniform, we always make sure we say "Thank You".
Please enjoy and remember why we have the freedoms that we do.
May the Season bring you joy and peace.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Monster Cats

These are our cats. I seem to grow everything big in my family; dogs, cats, kids, messes.

This is Midnight. He is VERY mellow, o.k. he doesn't really move much.

This is Simba. He is called the "no, no cat" He is slightly psycho and tends to attack, maim and/or destroy for no reason at all. He will let you pet him and then thank you with a chomp.

I have put the remote next to them for sizing purposes. I really don't feed them alot. They don't get treats or people food and they are on dry food for old, overweight cats with hairballs. Though you wonder how they get hairballs when they have such a hard time rolling over. When Elvis was alive, they did get more exercise. Maybe I can convince Clark that we need another dog for health reasons. What do you think??

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Time Travel Tuesday

I know my sister had another picture on her blog, but I happen to like this one better. It fits the theme because I traveled back in time to get it from last time we tried this!!
I remember when we used to all go out on the coldest day of the year (my mom always seemed to pick THE coldest day) and cut down a Christmas tree. When we lived in Florida, I remember climbing a fence and getting a tree from someone's field (yes, we had permission and no, we did not just leave a big tip). Now we would have to go to a tree farm and a big field to do this. Of course, we have had to resort to a fake tree due to allergy issues, but back then we would finish the day with a visit to Santa or a parade. I am just hoping that we get our lights up this year. With Clark's casino parties, there is not enough time for him to do it. I wonder if he would get upset if I ask my brother and brother-in-law to help. Probably, but the last two years we have not had lights and I know my children miss them! Lauren has already said something about decorations.
I hereby promise to try and do better about blogging even though I was the only one for a while!!

Friday, November 14, 2008


It has been a while since I blogged, but I have an excuse! November 4th, I had to bring Alex home from school early. Because our school was a polling place, lunch was in the classroom that day. As I was taking lunch to another kindergarten class, I looked into his classroom only to see him at his desk, asleep. His teacher said that he had been falling asleep all day and when she tried to stand him up, he would not wake up. When I got him home, he was very hot, about 103 degrees! The next day, we went to the doctor. After 3 tests and two x-rays, we were told that it should be a virus that had to run its course. It lasted until Saturday!! Lauren went camping that weekend with the Girl Scouts (more on that later) and came back early with a cough. It lasted through Sunday and she work up Monday with the same bad cough, so we went to the doctor to see about something to stop it. ( OTC meds were NOT doing anything) We were given two inhalers to try to stop it. Tuesday, she woke up with the fever. She has had it since. Yesterday, she threw up three times as well as coughing and fever. The doctor has prescribed an antibiotic and thinks she may have just come down with a combination of things. This morning at 3 am, oh yes 3 am, she had a fever of 103.1. So far today she has not had one (thank you meds), but we will see. I am VERY tired and if anyone else gets sick, I think I might be fired from my job!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Mom Song

My friend sent me a link to this and it is hilarious!! I laughed so hard.... I know I have said all of these with the exception of maybe two.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The many faces of Heather

Cool Shoes!

Speaker shoes.

She thinks these are the neatest shoes. She waited two weeks to get these.

Heather's room

The clean section

The pile to be cleaned.

100 Post!!

This is my official 100th post!! When I first started, I thought that I would be just messing around. I don't usually stick with this kind of stuff, but look at me... 100 posts.

It has been past due, but this blog is dedicated to Heather. I have not written a lot about Heather because, well, she is not really home very much. She works one full time and one part time job, she goes to school, and she plays hockey (ice hockey). She studies and hangs out with her friends. Well tonight she hung around for a little bit and I thought I would commemorate this with some pictures.. She is going out later, yes with a guy, but just for a soda. Is that what they call it? It's not really a date or anything. Yeah, right. Oh, well. I can't complain and I shouldn't tease her, but it is sooo much fun!! She is a great kid and the little guys love having her around.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


my sister found a link that was really a gross sort of way!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Alex, again

When you are bored and are trying to hide from your brother and he takes too long to look for you, this can happen. Its really quite sad.

My sister

My sister, Leslie, has a way of coming into your house and leaving notes that you find much later in unusual places. I was recently going thru a bag of stuff that I have just had lying around and found this.....

My La-La Loves Me Way Too Much!
I told her one day that I would really like a piece of the moon-so she built a spaceship in her backyard and blasted off! She came back with a piece in the shape of a heart.
My La-La loves me way too much
I told her one day I wanted to pet a dino so she built a time machine in her garage and back to the Stone Age and brought back a T-Rex-he ate my mom's car!
My La-La loves me way too much
I told her one day I'd like to have a robot-so she got back in her time machine and Zap! went to the year 3000 and came back with Z-Bot 200, my very own robot butler. He even feeds my dog for me!
My La-La loves me way too much
But that's o.k. I love her that much, too.
One day she told me she wanted 40 kisses and 40 hugs----so I let my T-Rex take care of that.
How cute is that!! She must have written this while ago. I found it in the middle of a small spiral notebook. Just tucked in where Lauren or Alex or Aaron could find it later. It is so very sweet! I can just see it in a children's book with some really great illustrations. I love her!!

The Things I learned About Camping

Mom and I spent Saturday learning how to camp the Girl Scout way. Actually, we learned how to camp, period. I used to camp with my Dad when I was young, like 10 or so and Mom, well she has NEVER been camping. About three years ago, I went camping with Clark, Lauren and Aaron and the Boy Scouts. I decided then that the Hilton was the closest I would ever come to "roughing it". Now that we have the girl scout troop, Mom and I needed to be officially trained in the Girl Scout way of camping if we ever wanted to take the girls camping. We spent the entire day at a Girl Scout camp and really learned a lot. I actually started a fire, well sort of. We learned how to cook over a fire, coals and a propane stove. We learned about knots and what to do if there is a lost camper. We learned fire safety, camp safety, and the various ways to cook. We learned all kinds of things together.

Mom, however, learned something extra that she has taken home with her......CHIGGERS! Yes, that camping fun that just keeps on giving. I am not laughing at her in any way, shape, or form. I think it is amazing that she was willing to do this. I am just so very sad that she got this experience as well.

We came home tired and gross, but it was great fun. Well, more fun for me than Mom....

Girl Scout Training

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Special Visitor

Smile, Big!!! Our first Tooth Fairy

We had a special visitor last night. While I was at Girl Scouts, Alex lost a tooth! He was messing with it all day at school and it finally came out yesterday! Daddy had to get the tooth lasso to help with the last bit. Clark said it was sticking out at about a 90 degree angle, so it was soo time. Alex got a crisp one dollar bill under his pillow. Its amazing how fast he got up this morning!

You gotta see this!!

This is unbelievable!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Does this mean he has too many toys?

See, they do love each other and I have proof!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


There is a new reality show on called Last Blogger Standing. WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?!?!?!

I win!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Slug Bug

For those of you who don't know or have been in a bubble, there is a car game called "slug bug". Basically what you do is look for Volkswagen Beetles and call them and then you get to hit your friends in the car with you. Since we thought that was just asking for someone to get beaten on all the time , we have changed the rules up a bit. Rules, you ask? Oh, yes there are actual rules for this game. Check out the website

Anyway, we don't allow hitting of any kind. We are on the point system and the one with the most points when the car reaches a destination, wins. Actually, my husband and son made up this point system.

1. A new model: one point
2. A convertible new model: two points
3. An old model: three points
4. A broken down slug bug (any model): 4 points
5. An old model convertible: 5 points
6. A bug with a logo of any kind or crazy decorations (mouse ears, pizza sign, etc.) wins the game automatically

We work on the honor system. You only have to prove a logo bug. If you call a non-bug, you lose a point. And, yes, you can be negative.

This game works great on long trips and works well in teams. Little guys get some leeway, because there are other cars that mimic a slug bug front, etc. There have been disputes and Clark says he is the Commissioner and all disputes need to go through him. We don't think so.

We had a lot of fun when we went to San Antonio on Friday with Clark.

Looking at that statement made me realize that I am a great big liar!! We tried to have a lot of fun. There, that's better. We decided at the last minute to head with Clark when he went for an interview. We were going to spend the night in the hotel and head back on Saturday morning. It seemed like a fantastic idea at the time. Someone should have hit me over the head to wake me up. Here's a recipe for stress:

Three kids who had just spent all day at school.
One Dad who had spent all day trying to get things set up for the baseball game Saturday.
One Mom who had been on her feet for three and a half hours dealing with 700-800 kids in a lunchroom and then come home to help the other crankies pack.
Please stir up and stick in an enclosed space for 5 hours. Add no DVD players that work and only one radio. To add spice, throw in bathroom breaks at different times and a Mom who gets carsick. Store in the oldest La Quinta in the world. The next day, start with a Dad who has to get to an interview bright and early and add kids who realize that there was NO pool. Shake up some more and stick back in an enclosed space that has gotten smaller somehow and drive for another 5 hours to get back to a baseball game. Please run me over now!!

There were some fun parts:
Clark had Alex pack himself. Guess how that went!! Alex had one shirt, his swim trunks, two snuggle friends and ALL of his Star Wars toys.

Lauren packed VERY well and remembered underwear. She just brought about 10 snuggle friends and then wanted to bring her body pillow, boppy, car pillow and two blankets.

Aaron was very close as well, just forgot the baseball pants he was supposed to change into for his game.

Clark just brought his suit and the clothes on his back.

We made a pit stop at the cricket capital of Texas on the way. Clark chose to park under a lamp post, which basically said "Let's do a remake of "The Birds" but with crickets"!!! AAARGH!

It was just too much to ask. We went to bed and tried to start over. This morning I woke up with a little guy on either side of me snuggling hard. Both Lauren and Alex have had a nap and we are going to go to bed early tonight as well.

This just lets me know how far from making a car trip to Disney we are. We are going to practice between now and next summer.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Bad Mommy book

Yesterday the weather was so nice that the kids were out on the fort from about 3:00 until 5:30. They then wanted to go out front and play. We had a long talk about the fact that it was dinner time. They were bound and determined to go and play. I explained that if they went outside, they would not get dinner. They were choosing playing over dinner. We had a lengthy conversation (argument) about it. They ultimately went outside. I am not thinking that they will make that choice again. Alex got toast and Lauren got nothing. I know that this upsets my mother and my sister, but I am not a restaurant. It was time to eat and they already had played outside. It WAS beautiful, but come on! They had eggs and toast this morning and Lauren had two extra toaster scrambles. How much do you want to bet that they eat tonight?

It won't be the only mark in my bad mommy book, I am sure.

Morning Madness

Here is our morning routine during the week:

Up anywhere between 6am and 6:45 am. It all depends on which child you are. Aaron is up as soon as his alarm goes off. He has put it across the room so he HAS to get up to get to it and (as Clark says) "beat it into submission" to get it to turn off. Alex varies on some yet to be determined factor on how soon and what mood he wakes up in. We are still trying to figure him out. He is usually WAY too upbeat and talkative for Lauren and I in the mornings. There are times that I have to say to him " Please let my ears wake up before you talk to me." Lauren is usually the last and slowest to get up. She is always in a bad mood until she gets to school and then the pod people take over and she becomes someone else entirely.

The kids get dressed completely and then eat breakfast. That is usually the "carrot" for them. "If you don't hurry, you won't get breakfast and we are having..." No, Mom, They don't really go without breakfast. There are times that Lauren gets toast and cheese in the car because she has taken so long, though! ( I blame her on my sister)

If they are done in time, they can watch TV until about 7:30 and then backpacks and car. So far, Alex is really the only one who has gotten TV on a regular basis.

Then, off to school and I start.

I get ready after they leave and do all the other things that need to be done before I go to work. Dishes, shopping, laundry, blogging..., you know, the important stuff! Then I am off to work at 10:00 until 1:45.

Clark has really been helping out around the house since I started working. He has also been doing carpool so I don't have to rush after work. Its great!

Sounds like fun, huh?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Just to remind you how cute they are!


Well, I have not been on in a while and I have a lot to tell you.

1. I am now employed. No, it is not a huge deal, but it is some money coming in. I work at the kids' school in the lunchroom as a monitor. What that means is a lot of opening packets, getting napkins, answering questions, and saying things like, " I am so sad that the red light is on. Now you have to be silent." They are winning, but I am fighting back!! I am currently by myself, but I am told that there will be another monitor soon. Teachers and staff are trying to be in there to help, but they have real jobs as well. The school has scheduled the older kids first and the kindergartners at the end when they are fresh and I am not! They are so cute, though. So many of them have been taught to clear their place when they are done and in the cafeteria, they have to wait until they are dismissed. It is hard to get across with everything else they have to remember. I have a few guys in every grade whose seats seem to be electrified since they cannot stay in them for longer than two seconds. We are working on that as well. I am thinking that Velcro is not an option.

2. Alex is trying really hard to have good days at school. We are trying to divide up his days and work on half at a time. At PE this week, he was having such a hard time being still and listening, that Coach had him exercise while the others were playing a game. I had to laugh!! We are doing pretty good with me working, he doesn't seem to mind it when I come by and give him a kiss.

3. Lauren seem to be testing her teacher this week, and me as well. I have found that it works better if someone else works with her in the cafeteria. She seems to respond better. I still go up and give her a kiss. Today, though I got a "MOM, this is embarrassing". Oh well!

4. Heather has decided to drop a class and go full-time at one of her jobs. Yes, we have talked with her. But you know how much smarter you are at 19. She is looking, again, into moving out and being on her own. Working full-time will help a lot, but we have tried to caution her about saving up first. But you know!

5. Aaron has been invited to join the National Junior Honor Society. We are very impressed. He had hit his mid 9 weeks slump. His grades have slipped a little and now he has to work hard to get them back up again. He seems to love the last minute thing. Track is going well, but it is the off season, so they are not doing much.

6. We have all (except for Lauren and Heather) had a bout with staph. It is a mild strain that is going around Aaron's middle school. What fun! We have all had medicine as well as an ointment that goes in your nose. Even Heather.

That seems to be all so far. Thanks for your patience. I'll try to keep up better!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I love my children. I really do. Having said that, I just know there is a file on someones desk with my name on it!! Yesterday, I took the carpool to pick up the big kids. I had to turn in some paperwork for Aaron's schedule change. I left one big guy in the car with the other medium guys listening to a book on CD. I took Alex with me to the school office. While we were in the office, Alex acted like he had to go to the bathroom, so I pointed it out across the hall. When I got the new schedule and turned around he was gone. I called into the bathroom, and the lady on the bench in the hall said that she saw him go outside. I began to get very concerned. I went outside and proceeded to start the hunt. The longer it took the madder and more scared I got. When I got in sight of the van, I saw him inside. I then pulled him out and, in front of all the other parents in the carpool lanes and waiting on the grass, swatted his little hinney three times, hard. Here's how I imagine the conversation would go... Look at that little boy. Can you believe that his mother would let him wander around that little? Then, Look at that mother. She is really beating that little boy. Either way, I lose!

To top that off, last night, Lauren was very congested and woke up asking for the detonator! It took me a few minutes to realize that she meant the humidifier. Or did she? She may have really needed to loosen up that congestion.

Other Laurenisms... popsiwiggle (Popsicle) refrigilator ( refrigerator) Aggretate ( aggravate and irritate) owbie ( owwie) We can't say booboo because that is what we call Aaron. Only she had to change that as well and calls him booey. She is her own person that is for sure!!

Monday, August 25, 2008


Its official!! School has started for everyone. Aaron is in the 8th grade, Lauren is in the 2nd grade, and Alex is in Kindergarten. Heather will start tomorrow and she is sooo not ready. Everyone got up and going in plenty of time, but not without a few bumps. Alex decided he did not like school (even though he had not yet been), Lauren was upset because Alex was going to get to rest after lunch, and we discovered that Aaron did not have enough clothes that fit! I really thought that we had gone over that. Lunch was going to be chicken rings with a dinner roll and mashed potatoes. A winner with everyone! We all had our backpacks and has already turned in out school supplies and were ready to go. We left in plenty of time but did not take into consideration all of the thousand parents doing the same thing! Clark finally dropped us off and left to drive around. We then stood in a line to get in with a million other people and watched as some people tried to jump ahead because they had other places to be. Well, so did I!! As well as about half of those in line with us. There was general rumbling about that. Aaron took Lauren to her class while I took Alex who promptly proceeded to run on ahead! When we got to his class, I had to call him back to get a kiss! I then went to Lauren's class and on the way saw Aaron helping another mom with an armload of school supplies to her child's class while trying to keep up with a toddler. What a guy!! After saying goodbye to Lauren, we hurried to get to Aaron's school because we had to see about a schedule change. My heart was broken again when he asked to be let out first while we parked so he could go on in. We talked to someone about changing Aaron's schedule to include Track. At schedule pick-up, Clark and Aaron were pulled aside by the coach to see why Aaron was not in track. He has four pre-AP classes as well as Gateways to Technologies, Mythology and Theater 2. The counselor is looking into it for us. It should prove to be interesting. Clark and I did laundry and went to lunch twice and worked out carpool arrangements. Not much time off for us yet! No pictures from today but we will get them this week when there is less craziness....maybe!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


For those of you who know Lauren, you know how much of her own person she is. For those of you who don't..... she is only seven years old chronologically but 20 years old mentally. Or at least in attitude. She is very strong-willed and knows that she wants things a certain way and expects tings to be that way. She is also very loving, with a great imagination and a lot of energy. She is smart and artistic and super smart. When she is older, all of these will serve her well. She will not bend to peer pressure and no one will take advantage of her. It is just getting her there that is the adventure! We are working with her on how she needs to treat others and the difference between how she talks to friends and how she talks to adults. This is kind of our fault. We have always treated her as a regular person and not a sub-person called a child.

I bring this up because we went shoe shopping for school a few days ago. Clark and I have decided that Lauren has to either make a LOT of money herself or marry someone who does. The only shoes she liked were the ones that were over $69.99! They were definitely cute shoes but I am not going to pay that much for shoes that she will grow out of before she wears them out. We finally convinced her to get some that were about $40.00 which was good because the store was having a buy one get the second half off. They only way we could convince her was to tell her that she was going to keep her old shoes which are one and a half sizes too small.

Please help me , we now have to go clothes shopping!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


In going through all those papers that pile up from three children going to school, I have found several "keepers". Yes, I keep everything that my children do throughout the school year much to the chagrin of my husband who happens to be a "look at it and throw it away" kind of guy. I do eventually go through all of it to pick out samples to help me remember how much they change. Usually it is artwork or stories or crafts or anything that has their hand prints or pictures. This past year with all three in school, I have gotten rid of so much that all I have left is only about 6 inches high. In fairness, this includes Aaron's poetry folder, Lauren's art folder and various kindergarten projects by Alex, so it is not "just" paper. While going through things I came across these examples of Aaron's writing. I will type it exactly like he wrote it.

What Makes Me Special
I am helpful.
I wonder about what will happen tomorrow.
I hear everything around me.
I see my friends and family.
I want to make good grades.
I am happy.
I pretend that I'm an astronaut.
I feel other's pain.
I listen to my friends.
I worry about my health.
I cry when I hear something sad.
I am thankful.
I understand how some people may feel.
I am respectful.
I dream about becoming a chef.
I try to do my best.
I hope that I will suceed.
I am who I am.
Majestic, tall
towering, unchanging, enticing
asking to be climbed
A forest is vast,
always filled with animals
the trees dance at night.
Black is the darkest nights that hold all our fears.
Black is the sadness we feel when there is a mournful death.
Black is the emptyness inside my heart when someone I know has passed away.
Whats inside of Me
Inside of me is a raging river fighting to do what is right.
Inside of me is a lost pet, sad and alone not knowing where to turn.
Inside of me is a leaning oak tree with no reason to be excited.
Inside of me is a dark empty place where no happiness can go.
Inside of me is a falling bridge without the will to stand.
Inside of me is a fearfull mouse scared to speak his mind.
I know these are not poet laureate quality, but for a 13 year old, I think these are amazing!
He impresses me more and more every day!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Leaving things to God

We have been really been working on putting our lives into God's hands, but our money is running out quickly. So, as hard as this is for me to say, I am looking for a job. I hate the idea of leaving my children to go to work, but Clark will be here and they are not babies. Hopefully it will not be for long, but I also believe that God helps those who help themselves. School is starting and Alex may be able to get into all day kindergarten which will help with the job situation. I am trying at area grocery stores and to be a crossing guard for the kids' school. Just say a prayer that things work out.

In proofreading this I realize that I sound a little depressed. That is not the case. I am not exactly overjoyed about our situation, but I trust in God so I know that things will work out. Since I do not claim to presume to know God's plan for me, I will just continue on as best as I can.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I know I am saying something...

Do you ever feel as though you are speaking and nothing is coming out? I have been trying to talk to my children all morning and it is as if there is only air escaping from my mouth. I must be really tired and cranky today. I would really like to vent here, unfortunately my mother reads this as well.

I went to a Girl Scout deal last night and had a great time. It was a lot of fun. We went to plan the calendar for the upcoming year. We had a lot of good ideas and some crazy ones. I did get a great recipe, though. Its called Summertime S'Mores. You take graham crackers and line them up on a plate, tray or whatever will fit in your freezer. Then get a box of chocolate ice cream and cut it into slices like bread. Put the slices on the graham crackers. Spoon some marshmallow cream over the top (like a real marshmallow) and then cover with another graham cracker. Freeze and eat. They are sooo good!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008


This is how people think of Lauren. Rough, tough, rather be in boys clothes (in fact, she sleeps in her brother's outgrown boxers). She wants to be a rock star general when she grows up. We have had several conversations about how she does not want to be a girl because boys get to do fun stuff. I have had to explain that she can do anything that a boy can do except be a father and pee standing up. Even then, I figure she'll work on the pee thing. We have talked about girl race car drivers and girls in the military and that soon there will be a girl President. If she works hard enough, she might even be the first girl President. We have a poster that show all the space shuttle missions that had a Girl Scout on them, so she could even go into space. We have read about Marie Curie and talked about scientists. We have also read about Sacajawea and how she was the one who led Lewis and Clark. She thought that was funny.
Now I have not tried to turn her into a pretty princess, I figure I would let her be the person she wanted to be. This, by the way, makes my sister VERY sad. She has twin boys and really needs to have a girl that she can do hair with and nails, etc. My brother's daughter loves softball and cannot stand to get her hair done. My sister is out of luck!!

Or, so we thought.

This afternoon, there was a repeat of the Oprah Winfrey show that had the Jonas Brothers on. For those of you who are out of the loop: the Jonas Brothers are the latest, greatest singing group out there for the preteen/teen crowd. Lauren Loves them. We went to the Texas State Fair to see them live. It did not matter that we stood so far back that we had to look at a screen as we melted in the Texas heat. We were there!!! We have their bonus CD that comes with a DVD of a live concert. Well, as we watched Oprah, she was talking about two young ladies who had emailed her show repeatedly asking for a Jonas Brothers segment. The message finally got through. Oprah even arranged for a surprise for the girls. At a concert the girls had gone to, the Jonas Brothers called them onstage and told them that everyone was going to the Oprah show. It was hilarious to see the look on the girls faces. As I was laughing, I looked over and saw Lauren crying! Her brother began to bother her and she kicked him. I actually had to say " if you are going to cry and get emotional because those girls got to see the Jonas Brothers and go to the Oprah show, I am going to turn the TV off!" My sister laughed at me.

I might have a girl after all!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Well, I have news. You could call it good news in a way. After a lot of praying and talking and yes, crying, we have decided that Clark will NOT take the job in Kuwait. I recently went to a talk by Steve Ray, who wrote Crossing the Tiber. He spoke about showing our children that we prayed and believed in God, not just saying it. This was a great teaching moment for that. When we told the children that we had prayed about this, they asked "What did you pray?" Clark explained that he asked that if this was the job God meant for Clark to take, that some of the stress and anxiety would be lifted from us. And that if this was not the path for our family, that God would show us a very definite sign. We got that sign Wednesday night and sent the email that night to the company saying that Clark was not taking the job. I am not going to tell you the signs we received because they are rather private. We did share them with the children and that we are putting our future into God's hands and believe that He will provide for us until the right job comes along. Aaron started with tears of of relief and Alex jumped up and hugged Clark. Lauren was a little more introspective. She snuggled up and asked a lot of questions and signs and prayer, etc. All in all, I think it is the best decision for us all even though we continue to search. So, keep us in your prayers and thank you for all your thoughts.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Job

Clark has been offered a job. We are happy about that part, but the rest of the story, to quote Paul Harvey, is very nervous making. It is for a company that has an office in Kuwait City, Kuwait. They have a military contract that means that Clark will have to take trips into Iraq to the bases there. He will be there for about nine weeks and then home for three weeks. It all depends on the rotations of the other employees or when his side trips are. We have never been apart for more than a week in the last 18 years. It will be quite an adjustment for all of us. We are going to wait to tell the little guys until the trip is only a week out. We are making arrangements now, though. Aaron is really being a bigger guy about this. We are going to do our best to not have him be "the man of the house". Clark and I have really talked about this. He has set up a support system of guys for Aaron if he needs to talk or hang out with the boys or whatever. We are really trying to be positive about this, but Clark does NOT want to go. However, as this is the only job offer he has to date, he is going to take it.

I have been praying about it and trying to get him to do the same. It is just hard for Clark to not be in control of everything at all times. He cannot just put this into God's hands and let it go. He wonders why I am not more upset and I have tried to explain it to him. I have to have faith that God is doing what is best for us and will always be there for us to rely on. I guess you could say that I am at peace with the idea and am moving forward to help my children adjust as well as they can. Please keep my family in your prayers as we go through this part of our lives.

There are so many other things that I can say about this, but I have a friend who can now read very well looking over my shoulder so I will have to finish this later.

Birthday Pictures

This is THE edible arrangement.

The snickers cake. He even had the pieces planned so the we all got a ton of frosting.

Clark cheating at the water fight. The balloons were gone very quickly and then the hose was brought out.

Half of the crowd at my house. The other half was grazing in the kitchen.

Birthday Milestone

Aaron had his 13th birthday on the 7th. Yes, I said 13th!! I now have an official teenage son. I am not sure that I am ready for it. It was different when Heather turned 13. She was living with her mom at the time. It didn't seem so hard then. With Aaron, it is hard!! He is about 6 inches taller with these HUGE feet! I think he will get to six feet easily.

We had family over on the day of his birthday and he had a lot of fun. He asked for an edible arrangement from my mom and ate it all in two days without much help. I expect a few complaints about stomach problems. He chose a Snickers cake and ice cream.

The next day, he had friends over for a day of games and food and food and food! There were 11 boys and one girl as well as Lauren and Alex in my house. We would have had more, but it was a last minute plan and we couldn't get a hold of some of his friends. He was sad that a couple of really good friends weren't there, but we told him that we could have something with those friends later in the week when it could be just the two of them. They had a pocket tanks tournament which Lauren played in. They ate a weird concoction that Clark made with spaghetti and chili. They had a water balloon fight and then they played Trivial Pursuit. Alex had fallen asleep for the water balloon fight, so we had a mini one after everyone had left for him. Aaron had one friend spend the night, which was a surprise since I thought we weren't having any. Aaron said he had a great time which was good because with Clark out of a job, money has been really tight. I was worried that we would not be able to do anything for his big day which would have made me very sad. The worst part is that Aaron would have understood.

Oh, well. He is a great kid!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Girl Scout Summer Camp

Last Week Lauren and I went to camp Get A Clue. It was what they called a twilight camp from 4:30 -8:30 . We had a lot of fun. Lauren said she was tortured by her unit leader because she had to do things like make SWAPs and play games and stuff like that. I was with the Junior group and Alex got to come one day and see Miss Bridget, his favorite. We actually earned the Sizzler patch which is not really fun to earn. It means we were camping when it was over 100 degrees!

This week, Lauren is at Treasure Island from 9-3. I did not go to this one because I thought that it would be too long away from Alex and Aaron and I wanted both of them to be alive when I got home. We are carpooling with a little girl who is such a morning person. She is very perky and talkative and, as we all know, Lauren is soo not! Lauren is showing great restraint and not getting too upset. She has asked for music to be on so that our friend is quiet on the ride. It helps some. The pictures above are from camp last week.

I'll get back to you with more from this week. Stay cool!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

My crazy sister

My sister was without a computer for a very, very, very long time. Now she has one and is back with a vengeance!! So, let's make her happy.....

School is out and everyone did well. Aaron ended with straight "A's" for the year. We also got his TEKS scores in the mail. He was perfect on his math (for the third year in a row), commended for science and just shy of commended for writing. We are very proud of him!! He got into all four pre-ap classes for next year as well as the electives he wanted, so he is excited about school for next year.
His Little League team ended their season undefeated and won the tournament as well. Eight of the kids on the team were nominated for the All Star team and seven were chosen. We had the last team meeting at the Airhogs game and the boys were treated like kings. To let you know, the Airhogs are an independent minor league baseball team in Grand Prairie. It was a lot of fun! The boys each received a baseball and marker from the team for autographs in a bag provided by Clark. Clark also had baseball cards of each boy made up and each boy received a set. They each received a team award in a plaque. At the beginning of the game, the boys were to run onto the field with the corresponding Airhog player for the National Anthem. It almost made me cry! The middle of the seventh inning, the boys were on the field again while an announcement was read over the loudspeaker. Their accomplishments were listed and as the announcer kept going, more and more of the crowd was on its feet giving a standing ovation!! I cried again! The Airhogs players came out and applauded as well. I don't think these boys will ever forget it.

Lauren did well in school and ended her year well, also. We have decided to keep her in Parkview and see what second grade will bring. We plan to get her evaluated at UNT like we did Aaron when he was in second grade to see what we can do to make school easier for her. She has a very full summer schedule with two girl scout camps, horseback riding, Brownies To Go, as well as kids in the neighborhood. It is just a matter of pacing. She has already become my "little nut brown hare".

Alex is going on to Kindergarten despite him not showing Mrs. Robertson that he has learned anything. He has been as adventure. He has nothing planned this summer other than going.... just going. He somehow got a 24hr stomach critter and so we started out summer on the couch. He has rebounded fine and is currently running through the house with his sister.

Clark is still looking for a job and has been on several interviews. so we are praying and trying to let God guide us. It is hard to do that with the end of the month looming large and nothing coming in. But, things happen for a reason and we try to keep that in mind.

Me, well, I have had an adventure so far!! I was bit by something, we think it was a spider, and have been on antibiotics that have laid me on the couch. Clark and Aaron have been doing an excellent job around here with laundry and dishes. A couple of days ago, I had a fever that then broke an went away, or so I thought. I am now on my second day a full body rash that is making my skin CRAWL!!! Try not to be testy with that going on. I am now back on my computer and looking at the state of the rest of my house. I am really trying hard not to cry and hope that no one comes over to see me. My friend, Satia, came over one night and made me stew when Clark had the kids out and now I am really sad that she saw my house like this. Mom took the kids to see a movie and she was in my house as well. ARGH! Oh well, I guess this will just give me something to do.

I think that this should make my crazy sister happy, don't you?

In the meantime, Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Thank You, Lord for my problems

While surfing the net the last several days, I have been very affected by what I have seen. The news out of China has been bleak and while I sit here trying to get organized for all that we have going on, I have to thank God that I have these issues. I could be sitting on a broken ground waiting to see if my only child will be found dead or alive and if alive, maimed for life. Instead of griping about how hectic I am with ball practice, shopping, carpool, etc, I could be frantically digging at a pile of debris that used to be a school, tired of waiting for rescue workers that can't get to me to help find my child. I could be afraid to go into my home because of the aftershocks even though there is no shelter outside. I could be preparing for a burial, or several. While I complain about my children and how frustrated they can make me, I have to thank God for being able to be frustrated and offer my prayers for those parents whose children have died or children whose parents have died. Please take a moment to think of others around the world and remember how similar we are instead of how different. Let's focus on how we can help and not how we are better than "they" are.

Thank You, Lord for all my problems and help me to see what a blessing they are instead.

Friday, May 9, 2008


You know how you start to look for something and then you find something else? Well, I was hunting under the bed and found a bag with about eight packages of film in it. I had gotten the CDs with each one and I have spent all day uploading certain prints. These pictures are from 2006. This has also made me realize that I have not done any scrapbooking in a while. I was pretty caught up at one point and now I think I am starting on Alex. That's 2003, January. I think its time to get busy, again. I have put a few above to show how my guys have changed through the years.

I can't figure out how to put the pictures within my blog, so if you have any suggestion, I am open!

My sister-in-law has MSRA on her lip, chin and throat. This is on top of the bout of Bell's Palsy she is fighting. She has been through so much so please keep her in your prayers. She is trying to maintain a good attitude, but come on!!

My husband was fired today from his job. I would be more upset , but the Director of Operations was also fired today. I am not sure what we are going to do, but we will make it work. Or, rather, I will take a deep breath and put it into God's hands. We have been saving money to go to Disney, so we have something set aside. So, keep us in your prayers as well, please.

I was reading another blog the other day and she had asked several thought provoking questions about God's hand in our lives. I believe that God is in our life every day and every way. I posted a reply to her blog supporting her and someone critiqued my post! I was very upset at first, but then got to thinking that it wasn't worth it. Why argue with someone. As long as my point was understood, everything was fine. Has anyone else had this happen to them? What did you do, if anything?

Oh, well enough soapbox!!

I am currently listening to three little guys playing with those Fisher Price toys that I was going to give away. Boy, am I glad I didn't!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Summer Fun

I know it has been a while, so please excuse me if I ramble..

Heather's last day of school is tomorrow and she plans to spend a lot of time " on the couch watching t.v. this summer." I had to hold back the laugh, didn't do such a good job because she said that she wouldn't mind watching cartoons. O.K., moms, you know that is not why I was laughing. I am not sure where she thinks she will be living if that is her plan. I have plans for the summer and they really do not include a lot of t.v. time. I have been asked if I will watch a couple of the carpool kids for the summer so those two plus my three does not equal a lot of TV. Life is a learning lesson, though, isn't it.

Aaron's Little League team is undefeated and they have only three games left in the season. Clark is working on baseball cards for the kids. They look just like real ones with stats and everything. I think they will really like them. Each boy will get a set of the entire team. Aaron is really working on getting straight "A"s this semester. He is close!!

Lauren is having problems at school with listening and keeping her hands to herself. She has been grabbing classmates and giving them hugs. Clark said it is because she was actually finished with her classwork in January. Its quite possible. We are working on it with her. Her brain is just going so fast that it is hard to remember everything she has to. She is really into Robert Frost right now and I am feeding that by reading with her. She is on level two book from the library and I think they are too easy for her. Next time I think I will get some level three ones to challenge her.

Alex is just plugging along. We are still working on his alphabet cards. I took a set of index cards and wrote each letter with its upper case and lower case. We go through junk mail and he cuts out pictures to glue on the back of each card. I have been letting him pick the pictures. He has come with a few interesting ones. For "H", he picked a picture of two children and when I asked him about it, he said it was because they were humans. For "E", he found a picture of Cleopatra's head and said it was for Egypt. The other day, he lay on the ground watching ants. I was about to talk about them and how hard they were working when I saw that, as they got close to him, he was blowing them away off the sidewalk. So much for that lesson!

We are getting close to our Disney trip. Did you know that Disney will let you customize maps of the theme parks with the stops you want and mail them to you with your family's name? All for FREE! We are very excited. We were watching Modern Marvels the other day and it was talking about behind the scenes at Disney and now my guys want to go underground to see that part. What happened to all the other stuff?!

Well, it is late and tomorrow will be here soon. In case I don't get on until after Mother's Day...

A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us when troubles thicken around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavour by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. - Inspirational sayings by Washington Irving

To all the mothers I know.. God Bless and Happy Mother's Day!

My Mother taught me LOGIC
"If you fall off that swing and break your neck, you can't go to the store with me."
My Mother taught me MEDICINE
"If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they're going to freeze that way."
My Mother taught me ESP
"Put your sweater on; don't you think that I know when you're cold?"
My Mother taught me TO MEET A CHALLENGE
What were you thinking? Answer me when I talk to you... Don't talk back to me!"
My Mother taught me HUMOR
"When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."
MY Mother taught me PATIENCE
"Sure, you can do that. As soon as you're 21 and leave the house!"
My Mother taught me DIPLOMACY
"I don't want to hear who started it, It takes two to fight."
My Mother taught me SHARING
"Play nicely with that or I'll just take it away from both of you."
My Mother taught me ETIQUETTE
"Use your fork! If I see that hand on the table again I'll Slap it!"
But most of all, My Mother taught me LOVE
" You know that whatever you do or whatever happens, I'll stand behind you because I Love you."

Monday, April 21, 2008


We went to the doctor today since Aaron had said that his rash was beginning to itch. The doctor looked at it and said....Fifth's Disease. Great!! I asked if he should stay home and if it was contagious and the doctor said it was contagious but two weeks ago!! Lovely. By the way, there is nothing that can be done about it! Cause you know I have money just laying around just trying to figure what to do with it!

More From the Gardens

The infamous lizard! This is as close as we could get for Jarred. Maybe his mom can blow it up for him. The kids had a journal that they filled out as we went. We rubbed tree bark and traced leaves. We also rubbed footprints that were in the Texas walk. We rolled down hills and walked and walked and walked...... We also fed koi and snapping turtles. It seems that we paid more attention to the wildlife than the flowers and plants. We did go into the rose gardens. The kids seemed to like how strong the roses smelled. We passed one lady who was there who had stronger perfume than the roses and I really had to hustle to keep the kids from saying anything. They did wonder why you would wear perfume like that. I couldn't help them with that one. The cardinal in the other picture was really posing for us. He must have sat there puffed up for several minutes. The kids thought he was cool especially since we had seen a female one and talked about camouflage and why it was important.

As we walked, I wanted to give them a little freedom so they could experience things so as we left an area I would quack. Yes, I said quack. They had to quack back to let me know that they were paying attention. I just figured that since they had to follow me like duckings, that we might as well act like ducks. Jarred did ask why we had to quack and I told him that we could tweet instead if he wanted. He opted for quacking. As my mom would say..You always have a choice. Sometimes its between peas and carrots, but its still a choice.

I am about to leave for afternoon carpool, but have to fold a load of laundry first. Man you leave it for even one day and I think that it reproduces!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Don't Give Me A Rash

Today was very fun. Lauren and I went to the Botanical Gardens with her class and we had a great time!.. However, before talking about that let me fill you in.

One of the carpool kids asked Aaron on Wednesday "Hey, what's that on your face?" Statements like tend to make a mom look up. I looked and he had a bad case of acne. I looked closer and it was all over his body. It actually looks like a giant case of hives. It is not raised or bothering him. He has no fever or anything else. The doctor said that she hadn't heard of anything so she thought he would be o.k. Makes you feel good, right? He should be fine. Its the should that got me... I let all the carpool parents know just in case. So if you see a lot of kids around with this odd looking rash, its my fault. I've told you about DON'T GIVE ME A RASH.. HA!

I guess it works out because one of the little carpoolers threw up all over my house that same day. It was a busy day!

But on to the Gardens...
One of guys was so OCD about touching a lizard. It was so funny watching him try to catch one. Everywhere we went he was looking for one. We didn't get everywhere on the map, but these little guys were troopers and walked a great deal. I did seem to have more and more in my backpack at the end of the day, though.

Its now the weekend and time for a mommy's night out. Hellen and I are going to Starbucks to hang out. Tomorrow starts early with a baseball game and then shopping. The kids have friends spending the night and then Sunday is church and Sunday School. I'll try to get back to blogging on a regular basis.
Beauty in the Common Things: sleeping children
Listen in: A very LOUD TV show that my husband is watching
Good Night!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Catch up

It has been a while since I have been on to let you guys know what is happening. So let's take it from the top:

Me: I am trying to organize my days more. It seems to be working, but we'll see. I am the carpool mom for the neighborhood. At least once a week I watch two little guys for a friend. I have some time to myself from about 12:30 to 2:30. Oh, yeah, I also spend that time doing laundry, dishes, sweeping, showering, or anything else you can think of. I have been researching new schools for my guys to go to next year. I just don't feel that our current school district is meeting the needs of my kids. I am also on my way to be the crazy colorblind mom. My dad and I are going before the school board to talk about what they can do for kids who are colorblind in the school system. It looks like I am going to have to keep going to the top(state) to get anything done. I guess I am the crazy colorblindness mom.

Clark: Still working at a job he hates and still looking for something else. Coaching Aaron's Little League team and very involved with the LL board.

Aaron: Doing well in school and in baseball. His team is two and 0. He plays catcher and third base. He has a hard time hitting slow pitches but rocks with the fast ones.

Lauren: Doing well at school but keeps finishing her work too fast and is getting frustrated with how slow everyone else is going. She has several friends on the street now and I have several kids who keep coming to the door asking about her. She is very popular and seems to be in charge. She decided one day that she was able to ride her bike without her training wheels and did! She is like that.

Alex: He has decided to not know his letters and numbers. He won't show his teacher that he does know them so just in case we are doing alpha cards. I have written the alphabet on index cards and we are looking thru ads and old magazines to find pictures to match the sounds.

Heather: She has a new job and is having a little trouble with math but is working hard to get thru it.

This sounds like a Christmas letter, but it does bring you up to date.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Yea, School

Tomorrow, Lauren will be going back to school for two days. I am still a little concerned about her cough. It seems to get worse the more she runs around and is active. Alex is still home, I think. He has more problems than she does with the cough. I know they are not contagious as far as the ear infections and strep throat, but the cold that started it all is still hanging around and do I want to share? I think not. Spring Break is coming up and that means hunting for fun things to do at a low cost. I think we will pull out all the crafts materials that we have and have a good time making a mess. Thank goodness for hardwood floors!! Just sweep and mop. I was going to go to bed early tonight. But..... Lauren wanted some mommy time, just us playing; and then the computer sucked me in and so here it is 10:15 and I am still going.
Now I am off again.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Beauty n the common things: empty laundry baskets
Listen In: Silence this late and cat snores
Supper Plans: With the kids sick, we had beans and franks and grilled cheese
Today I Plan to: Doctor's visits
View From the Front Window:Stars, street lamp, one lonely cat out for a stroll.

I had to convince the doctor to see Alex today as well as Lauren. It was just as well because Alex has strep throat and Lauren has a double ear infection. They were so good as we had to wait almost an hour to see the doctor. The hard part is keeping them away from each other and the rest of the family. Spring Break is coming up and wouldn't that be a yucky to spend the week?

It looks like we are going to miss Open House. Great! Today when I went to pick up Lauren's homework, her teacher asked me if we had ever considered skipping a grade with her. There is so much to consider with that. I know she could handle the work, but what about the age difference with her peers? She would be a second grader with third graders. I am not sure that would be the best choice for her.We might just continue to supplement her from home with activities, etc. For example, I showed her the picture on my blog and told her that it showed a poem from one of my favorite authors, Robert Frost. When she asked me to tell her the poem, I showed her the book I had that had his complete works. She read the poem and I defined some words for her. She then said "Oh, I get it!" When I questioned her thinking, "yeah, right" she said it was about making choices and not choosing the same thing as everyone else. That's correct, by the way. I am constantly amazed by her every day.

Clark had the third interview with a company today and the next step is an all day meeting with company executives. His current job is giving him grief about taking time off but its not like he doesn't have his blackberry with him 24/7! They even wake him up at night. When he visited his grandmother in Tennessee, he had to drive to find a wireless connection to answer an email from work. She was not amused. At 93, she does expect him to spend time with her!! Go figure!!

A friend of mine gave me a great gift today. There was a version on The Wizard of Oz on TV not too long ago called The Tin man. I really enjoyed it and she picked one up for me when she bought her own. It was very sweet of her to remember me like that. It is good to have friends like that. Another friend of mine called Monday to see if I needed any help getting kids to school as I was feeling ill myself. She has a full time job and two kids of her own and yet thought of me. It makes you feel loved.

I am off to bed and will see you tomorrow.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Let's Segue into Spring.....

Hello to all!!

My sister's friend Julie, whose blog you can link to from mine, is a very together mother of 7 who does a very neat thing almost daily. I thought I would try it and sees what happens. I am not going to say I will do it daily, but we will see what happens.

Beauty in the Common Things: nap time
Listen In: the hum of the dryer, Alex trying to sing himself to sleep
Supper Plans: something with chicken breasts, corn, mixed veggies
Today I Plan To: do the dishes, clean up Lauren's room
View From the Front Window: the sun has just briefly broken through the clouds.

Lauren has been home since last Monday with a cough, congestion and an on/off fever. Alex has decided he felt left out and now he has it as well. Lauren woke up complaining of her ear hurting. Our doctor is out all week and I had to push for an appointment for her. I have been treating the symptoms and now I think it has gone into an ear infection. The earliest time I could get in to see someone is tomorrow at 10:30. It is a little frustrating to follow all the instructions and then when you KNOW that your child needs more from a doctor to be told that they are too busy. GRRR! Heather is looking for another job and is considering going to the University of North Texas for the fall. We have pulled Alex from morning pre-k to afternoon and I think it is going well. It will give me more time to spend with just him and work on his letters, etc. Aaron has just signed up for next year's classes. He is planning on taking all four pre-AP classes as well as a technologies class. He goes on a history field trip over spring break that has him visiting several museums in the area. That seems to be all that is going on. Girl Scouts keeps up and baseball is beginning. Hopefully I'll get back to you sooner than a month.