Here is our morning routine during the week:
Up anywhere between 6am and 6:45 am. It all depends on which child you are. Aaron is up as soon as his alarm goes off. He has put it across the room so he HAS to get up to get to it and (as Clark says) "beat it into submission" to get it to turn off. Alex varies on some yet to be determined factor on how soon and what mood he wakes up in. We are still trying to figure him out. He is usually WAY too upbeat and talkative for Lauren and I in the mornings. There are times that I have to say to him " Please let my ears wake up before you talk to me." Lauren is usually the last and slowest to get up. She is always in a bad mood until she gets to school and then the pod people take over and she becomes someone else entirely.
The kids get dressed completely and then eat breakfast. That is usually the "carrot" for them. "If you don't hurry, you won't get breakfast and we are having..." No, Mom, They don't really go without breakfast. There are times that Lauren gets toast and cheese in the car because she has taken so long, though! ( I blame her on my sister)
If they are done in time, they can watch TV until about 7:30 and then backpacks and car. So far, Alex is really the only one who has gotten TV on a regular basis.
Then, off to school and I start.
I get ready after they leave and do all the other things that need to be done before I go to work. Dishes, shopping, laundry, blogging..., you know, the important stuff! Then I am off to work at 10:00 until 1:45.
Clark has really been helping out around the house since I started working. He has also been doing carpool so I don't have to rush after work. Its great!
Sounds like fun, huh?
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