For those of you who know Lauren, you know how much of her own person she is. For those of you who don't..... she is only seven years old chronologically but 20 years old mentally. Or at least in attitude. She is very strong-willed and knows that she wants things a certain way and expects tings to be that way. She is also very loving, with a great imagination and a lot of energy. She is smart and artistic and super smart. When she is older, all of these will serve her well. She will not bend to peer pressure and no one will take advantage of her. It is just getting her there that is the adventure! We are working with her on how she needs to treat others and the difference between how she talks to friends and how she talks to adults. This is kind of our fault. We have always treated her as a regular person and not a sub-person called a child.
I bring this up because we went shoe shopping for school a few days ago. Clark and I have decided that Lauren has to either make a LOT of money herself or marry someone who does. The only shoes she liked were the ones that were over $69.99! They were definitely cute shoes but I am not going to pay that much for shoes that she will grow out of before she wears them out. We finally convinced her to get some that were about $40.00 which was good because the store was having a buy one get the second half off. They only way we could convince her was to tell her that she was going to keep her old shoes which are one and a half sizes too small.
Please help me , we now have to go clothes shopping!!!
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