Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Beauty n the common things: empty laundry baskets
Listen In: Silence this late and cat snores
Supper Plans: With the kids sick, we had beans and franks and grilled cheese
Today I Plan to: Doctor's visits
View From the Front Window:Stars, street lamp, one lonely cat out for a stroll.

I had to convince the doctor to see Alex today as well as Lauren. It was just as well because Alex has strep throat and Lauren has a double ear infection. They were so good as we had to wait almost an hour to see the doctor. The hard part is keeping them away from each other and the rest of the family. Spring Break is coming up and wouldn't that be a yucky to spend the week?

It looks like we are going to miss Open House. Great! Today when I went to pick up Lauren's homework, her teacher asked me if we had ever considered skipping a grade with her. There is so much to consider with that. I know she could handle the work, but what about the age difference with her peers? She would be a second grader with third graders. I am not sure that would be the best choice for her.We might just continue to supplement her from home with activities, etc. For example, I showed her the picture on my blog and told her that it showed a poem from one of my favorite authors, Robert Frost. When she asked me to tell her the poem, I showed her the book I had that had his complete works. She read the poem and I defined some words for her. She then said "Oh, I get it!" When I questioned her thinking, "yeah, right" she said it was about making choices and not choosing the same thing as everyone else. That's correct, by the way. I am constantly amazed by her every day.

Clark had the third interview with a company today and the next step is an all day meeting with company executives. His current job is giving him grief about taking time off but its not like he doesn't have his blackberry with him 24/7! They even wake him up at night. When he visited his grandmother in Tennessee, he had to drive to find a wireless connection to answer an email from work. She was not amused. At 93, she does expect him to spend time with her!! Go figure!!

A friend of mine gave me a great gift today. There was a version on The Wizard of Oz on TV not too long ago called The Tin man. I really enjoyed it and she picked one up for me when she bought her own. It was very sweet of her to remember me like that. It is good to have friends like that. Another friend of mine called Monday to see if I needed any help getting kids to school as I was feeling ill myself. She has a full time job and two kids of her own and yet thought of me. It makes you feel loved.

I am off to bed and will see you tomorrow.

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