Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Cave

Now that Heather has moved out, Alex has gotten his room back. Clark and Aaron built a bed to end all beds. It is tall enough for Alex to sit under it and not hit his head. There is a nightlight under there so they can play. The entrance to the "Cave" is made form two pillowcases hung on end. Lauren and Alex play under there and sleep under there. Today, Lauren had two friends over and the next thing I know they are telling ghost stories under the bed. My nephew was here earlier and the three of them were very funny. One of them was under the bed, eating the others (pulling them under the bed). The ones being "eaten" were being VERY dramatic, yelling and moaning. It was hilarious. The only incident so far was the leaping from the LEGO box to the bed and not making it. There was some pain involved then so maybe a lesson was learned. (I can hope, can't I?). We need to make one addition. We need to get stairs so Alex does not have to leap in, though I do think he likes that part!

1 comment:

Mom said...

WOW!!! congrats to Daddy and Big Brother. What a great job. I guess we will not see much of Alex qand Lauren, eh?
Way to go guys!
Maybe I can get you to build G'pa a place to hide:-)