Thursday, August 28, 2008


I love my children. I really do. Having said that, I just know there is a file on someones desk with my name on it!! Yesterday, I took the carpool to pick up the big kids. I had to turn in some paperwork for Aaron's schedule change. I left one big guy in the car with the other medium guys listening to a book on CD. I took Alex with me to the school office. While we were in the office, Alex acted like he had to go to the bathroom, so I pointed it out across the hall. When I got the new schedule and turned around he was gone. I called into the bathroom, and the lady on the bench in the hall said that she saw him go outside. I began to get very concerned. I went outside and proceeded to start the hunt. The longer it took the madder and more scared I got. When I got in sight of the van, I saw him inside. I then pulled him out and, in front of all the other parents in the carpool lanes and waiting on the grass, swatted his little hinney three times, hard. Here's how I imagine the conversation would go... Look at that little boy. Can you believe that his mother would let him wander around that little? Then, Look at that mother. She is really beating that little boy. Either way, I lose!

To top that off, last night, Lauren was very congested and woke up asking for the detonator! It took me a few minutes to realize that she meant the humidifier. Or did she? She may have really needed to loosen up that congestion.

Other Laurenisms... popsiwiggle (Popsicle) refrigilator ( refrigerator) Aggretate ( aggravate and irritate) owbie ( owwie) We can't say booboo because that is what we call Aaron. Only she had to change that as well and calls him booey. She is her own person that is for sure!!

Monday, August 25, 2008


Its official!! School has started for everyone. Aaron is in the 8th grade, Lauren is in the 2nd grade, and Alex is in Kindergarten. Heather will start tomorrow and she is sooo not ready. Everyone got up and going in plenty of time, but not without a few bumps. Alex decided he did not like school (even though he had not yet been), Lauren was upset because Alex was going to get to rest after lunch, and we discovered that Aaron did not have enough clothes that fit! I really thought that we had gone over that. Lunch was going to be chicken rings with a dinner roll and mashed potatoes. A winner with everyone! We all had our backpacks and has already turned in out school supplies and were ready to go. We left in plenty of time but did not take into consideration all of the thousand parents doing the same thing! Clark finally dropped us off and left to drive around. We then stood in a line to get in with a million other people and watched as some people tried to jump ahead because they had other places to be. Well, so did I!! As well as about half of those in line with us. There was general rumbling about that. Aaron took Lauren to her class while I took Alex who promptly proceeded to run on ahead! When we got to his class, I had to call him back to get a kiss! I then went to Lauren's class and on the way saw Aaron helping another mom with an armload of school supplies to her child's class while trying to keep up with a toddler. What a guy!! After saying goodbye to Lauren, we hurried to get to Aaron's school because we had to see about a schedule change. My heart was broken again when he asked to be let out first while we parked so he could go on in. We talked to someone about changing Aaron's schedule to include Track. At schedule pick-up, Clark and Aaron were pulled aside by the coach to see why Aaron was not in track. He has four pre-AP classes as well as Gateways to Technologies, Mythology and Theater 2. The counselor is looking into it for us. It should prove to be interesting. Clark and I did laundry and went to lunch twice and worked out carpool arrangements. Not much time off for us yet! No pictures from today but we will get them this week when there is less craziness....maybe!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


For those of you who know Lauren, you know how much of her own person she is. For those of you who don't..... she is only seven years old chronologically but 20 years old mentally. Or at least in attitude. She is very strong-willed and knows that she wants things a certain way and expects tings to be that way. She is also very loving, with a great imagination and a lot of energy. She is smart and artistic and super smart. When she is older, all of these will serve her well. She will not bend to peer pressure and no one will take advantage of her. It is just getting her there that is the adventure! We are working with her on how she needs to treat others and the difference between how she talks to friends and how she talks to adults. This is kind of our fault. We have always treated her as a regular person and not a sub-person called a child.

I bring this up because we went shoe shopping for school a few days ago. Clark and I have decided that Lauren has to either make a LOT of money herself or marry someone who does. The only shoes she liked were the ones that were over $69.99! They were definitely cute shoes but I am not going to pay that much for shoes that she will grow out of before she wears them out. We finally convinced her to get some that were about $40.00 which was good because the store was having a buy one get the second half off. They only way we could convince her was to tell her that she was going to keep her old shoes which are one and a half sizes too small.

Please help me , we now have to go clothes shopping!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


In going through all those papers that pile up from three children going to school, I have found several "keepers". Yes, I keep everything that my children do throughout the school year much to the chagrin of my husband who happens to be a "look at it and throw it away" kind of guy. I do eventually go through all of it to pick out samples to help me remember how much they change. Usually it is artwork or stories or crafts or anything that has their hand prints or pictures. This past year with all three in school, I have gotten rid of so much that all I have left is only about 6 inches high. In fairness, this includes Aaron's poetry folder, Lauren's art folder and various kindergarten projects by Alex, so it is not "just" paper. While going through things I came across these examples of Aaron's writing. I will type it exactly like he wrote it.

What Makes Me Special
I am helpful.
I wonder about what will happen tomorrow.
I hear everything around me.
I see my friends and family.
I want to make good grades.
I am happy.
I pretend that I'm an astronaut.
I feel other's pain.
I listen to my friends.
I worry about my health.
I cry when I hear something sad.
I am thankful.
I understand how some people may feel.
I am respectful.
I dream about becoming a chef.
I try to do my best.
I hope that I will suceed.
I am who I am.
Majestic, tall
towering, unchanging, enticing
asking to be climbed
A forest is vast,
always filled with animals
the trees dance at night.
Black is the darkest nights that hold all our fears.
Black is the sadness we feel when there is a mournful death.
Black is the emptyness inside my heart when someone I know has passed away.
Whats inside of Me
Inside of me is a raging river fighting to do what is right.
Inside of me is a lost pet, sad and alone not knowing where to turn.
Inside of me is a leaning oak tree with no reason to be excited.
Inside of me is a dark empty place where no happiness can go.
Inside of me is a falling bridge without the will to stand.
Inside of me is a fearfull mouse scared to speak his mind.
I know these are not poet laureate quality, but for a 13 year old, I think these are amazing!
He impresses me more and more every day!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Leaving things to God

We have been really been working on putting our lives into God's hands, but our money is running out quickly. So, as hard as this is for me to say, I am looking for a job. I hate the idea of leaving my children to go to work, but Clark will be here and they are not babies. Hopefully it will not be for long, but I also believe that God helps those who help themselves. School is starting and Alex may be able to get into all day kindergarten which will help with the job situation. I am trying at area grocery stores and to be a crossing guard for the kids' school. Just say a prayer that things work out.

In proofreading this I realize that I sound a little depressed. That is not the case. I am not exactly overjoyed about our situation, but I trust in God so I know that things will work out. Since I do not claim to presume to know God's plan for me, I will just continue on as best as I can.