Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Yea, School

Tomorrow, Lauren will be going back to school for two days. I am still a little concerned about her cough. It seems to get worse the more she runs around and is active. Alex is still home, I think. He has more problems than she does with the cough. I know they are not contagious as far as the ear infections and strep throat, but the cold that started it all is still hanging around and do I want to share? I think not. Spring Break is coming up and that means hunting for fun things to do at a low cost. I think we will pull out all the crafts materials that we have and have a good time making a mess. Thank goodness for hardwood floors!! Just sweep and mop. I was going to go to bed early tonight. But..... Lauren wanted some mommy time, just us playing; and then the computer sucked me in and so here it is 10:15 and I am still going.
Now I am off again.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Beauty n the common things: empty laundry baskets
Listen In: Silence this late and cat snores
Supper Plans: With the kids sick, we had beans and franks and grilled cheese
Today I Plan to: Doctor's visits
View From the Front Window:Stars, street lamp, one lonely cat out for a stroll.

I had to convince the doctor to see Alex today as well as Lauren. It was just as well because Alex has strep throat and Lauren has a double ear infection. They were so good as we had to wait almost an hour to see the doctor. The hard part is keeping them away from each other and the rest of the family. Spring Break is coming up and wouldn't that be a yucky to spend the week?

It looks like we are going to miss Open House. Great! Today when I went to pick up Lauren's homework, her teacher asked me if we had ever considered skipping a grade with her. There is so much to consider with that. I know she could handle the work, but what about the age difference with her peers? She would be a second grader with third graders. I am not sure that would be the best choice for her.We might just continue to supplement her from home with activities, etc. For example, I showed her the picture on my blog and told her that it showed a poem from one of my favorite authors, Robert Frost. When she asked me to tell her the poem, I showed her the book I had that had his complete works. She read the poem and I defined some words for her. She then said "Oh, I get it!" When I questioned her thinking, "yeah, right" she said it was about making choices and not choosing the same thing as everyone else. That's correct, by the way. I am constantly amazed by her every day.

Clark had the third interview with a company today and the next step is an all day meeting with company executives. His current job is giving him grief about taking time off but its not like he doesn't have his blackberry with him 24/7! They even wake him up at night. When he visited his grandmother in Tennessee, he had to drive to find a wireless connection to answer an email from work. She was not amused. At 93, she does expect him to spend time with her!! Go figure!!

A friend of mine gave me a great gift today. There was a version on The Wizard of Oz on TV not too long ago called The Tin man. I really enjoyed it and she picked one up for me when she bought her own. It was very sweet of her to remember me like that. It is good to have friends like that. Another friend of mine called Monday to see if I needed any help getting kids to school as I was feeling ill myself. She has a full time job and two kids of her own and yet thought of me. It makes you feel loved.

I am off to bed and will see you tomorrow.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Let's Segue into Spring.....

Hello to all!!

My sister's friend Julie, whose blog you can link to from mine, is a very together mother of 7 who does a very neat thing almost daily. I thought I would try it and sees what happens. I am not going to say I will do it daily, but we will see what happens.

Beauty in the Common Things: nap time
Listen In: the hum of the dryer, Alex trying to sing himself to sleep
Supper Plans: something with chicken breasts, corn, mixed veggies
Today I Plan To: do the dishes, clean up Lauren's room
View From the Front Window: the sun has just briefly broken through the clouds.

Lauren has been home since last Monday with a cough, congestion and an on/off fever. Alex has decided he felt left out and now he has it as well. Lauren woke up complaining of her ear hurting. Our doctor is out all week and I had to push for an appointment for her. I have been treating the symptoms and now I think it has gone into an ear infection. The earliest time I could get in to see someone is tomorrow at 10:30. It is a little frustrating to follow all the instructions and then when you KNOW that your child needs more from a doctor to be told that they are too busy. GRRR! Heather is looking for another job and is considering going to the University of North Texas for the fall. We have pulled Alex from morning pre-k to afternoon and I think it is going well. It will give me more time to spend with just him and work on his letters, etc. Aaron has just signed up for next year's classes. He is planning on taking all four pre-AP classes as well as a technologies class. He goes on a history field trip over spring break that has him visiting several museums in the area. That seems to be all that is going on. Girl Scouts keeps up and baseball is beginning. Hopefully I'll get back to you sooner than a month.