Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Catching up

It has been a while for me. I know that I said that I would be the one to keep up. When you hear what has been going on, you will understand.

Lets's work backwards.......
Teacher Appreciation lunch I watched Lauren's class and we had a blast. We watched a movie about Ponds and Rivers, we made a surprise for the teacher, I had printed off several activities from ( this is a great free website), and I read two books. The kids were very good. Alex stayed home because of a cough from his allergies. The wind is VERY strong here the past few days and it has really kicked a lot of stuff up. Lauren fell while trying to escape a spanking for yelling at me and hit her head on the floor. Both of them received allergy meds and Lauren had to take some Motrin. We read books and they went to bed. Clark is helping a friend of mine put in her baseboards before the leasing agent comes tomorrow. He is such a sweatheart (pun intended). I have had a migraine since Sunday and I am hoping it will go away soon. A week is the longest that I have had one and I ended up in bed.

Yesterday I met my brother to give him some Girl Scout cookies that he is getting orders for at his work. Lauren had sold about 220 boxes. Yea, her!! I helped my friend clean her house for the above mentioned leasing agent visit.

Monday was Alex's 5th birthday. He opted for apples and cheese istead of cupcakes for his class. I hunted school supplies for Aaron and his new Spanish class. Do you know that you cannot find a pencil bag unless you go to an office supply store? I had a gift card at Target and I ended up spening it on the kids. I told Alex that if he had a good day at school, he could have a pirate something. He told me today that he did not have a bad day at school today so he could get a pirate toy. I explained to him that he had to actually go to school and have a good day before he could get his surprise. But you can't blame the boy for trying! Monday night was the Girl Scout recruitment at Lauren's school, so we were there. We actually sold 5 boxes of cookies that night. Yea, Lauren!! That afternoon we spent the entire time playing with his two cousins who will be 5 in April. It is hard to think of him being so old!

Sunday I recovered from Alex's Safari party. We went to church and the kids went to Sunday school. We came home and Lauren, Aaron and I went to see Alvin and The Chipmonks at the theater. It was cute! That night, we watched part of a Jeff Dunham DVD. Aaron was laughing until he could not breathe.

Saturday was the party. Alex chose a Safari theme. I need to post some pictures when I finally get them developed. We had a tree and a cave and binoculars and a safari hunt with a field journal. We had soo much noise! My friend made the cake in the shape of a mountain with 24 of the biggest cupcakes I have ever seen. Each one had a jungle animal on it. Clark and Aaron made a fantabulous cave that stood for several days. I spent the last few minutes looking foa a tiger and zebra. My parents helped tremendously!! Without their help, I could not have had this done in time.

I find that I am falling asleep at the keyboard, so I will finish this tomorrow....

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