Saturday, October 20, 2007

I am behind!!

Well, I missed Fun Friday. Sorry Guys!!!!! I even missed the word of the day. My Friday was more like Frantic Friday not fun. "L" was still at home so I got everyone else off to school. I had a list of 15 or so things to accomplish.

"Oh, by the way,could you empty the freezer and defrost it? All you have to do is get several bags of ice and fill the coolers. Then just get all the ice out of the freezer. I'll be happy to wipe it out when I get home." Yea, right!!

I had to go make a deposit for the Girl Scout troop and then pick up some more Fall Product to give out. I had to pick up a book for the basket for the silent auction for the carnival this Saturday. I then was going to pick up Alex and then go home for lunch and nap. Then off to pick up the afternoon carpool. At 4, I was supposed to meet and pick up the basket to deliver to the school.

Oh the best laid plans.........

I received a call from the school nurse about "a" . It seems he was looking a little green and said his neck hurt. He had said the same thing this morning and I thought he had just slept wrong. I went ahead and picked him up early. By the time we got to my mom's, he was running a fever. I made a Dr. appointment for him for later that afternoon. In the meantime....
I called to reschedule the Girl Scout stuff.
Ran to the store while my mom watched germ ville.
As I was putting "a" into the car, he threw up!! Oh, by the way, his breath was really bad. (STREP!!!) Made it to the Dr.s, threw up again.
May I have the envelope, please. The winning illness is.... Strep Throat!! You win a penicillin shot in the hinny!!! There was definitely some loud noise about that one.
Home in time to pick up "A" and throw them into their rooms.
Walk into the house to a lovely smell. Two bags of Starbucks coffee beans all over my front room. Sumatra and Breakfast Blend for those who care.
Off to the 4pm meeting for the basket and then rush to get more goodies from the Girl Scouts.

Home for a quick dinner and books and bed. Don't forget medicine and ointment.
Then, Escape..... scrapbook at Starbucks until 11:30 pm with friends who try to keep me sane.

Don't ask about today( Saturday)


Julie said...

Wow, your day sounds like a few of mine recently!
I am glad you are enjoying blogging. I think it's really fun!

Neebie said...

You mentioned my youngest's nephew's name in this one, where as the other children are just an initial.... I should have you drawn and quartered!!!