Sunday, November 15, 2009


Is seems that someone has figured out how to take pictures with my phone. I found several shots of this little guy. It was actually one of those kid's meals toys that they were playing with. Pretty neat, huh?


This one of those times that it is better that you do not ask. He found a strip of ribbon and somehow thought tying himself up was a good idea. The look of surprise on his face when I asked what he was doing was priceless. Was there supposed to be a reason? He couldn't tell me why because he never actually was thinking about it. I can't wait until he gets older and I can say things like " What were you thinking" and realize that he was, in fact, NOT thinking at all. When he shrugs his shoulders, it means he really does not know what he was thinking. At first I was thinking stuntman, now I am thinking either magician or escape artist. God love him! He just makes me shake my head. This is a prime example of why you need to keep an eye on little boys because you just don't know what they will get into on their own.

This is his practice shirt. I think it actually glows in the dark. I guess this way you can see the team when they run in the morning. This was a good learning year for Aaron. He now knows what to expect for next year and he will be ready for the summer runs. He has decided to not run track but has been running in baseball. In fact, we think he is the rabbit for the rest of the team. The goal is to beat Aaron in the one mile before practice. So far, no one has been able to do it. He thinks it is funny!

This is why I love Cross Country! What you are looking at is NOT a tan line. It is a MUD line. He did not place well in this particular meet but he did say it was the most fun he ever had. Luckily his shorts were black but his meet shirt was muddy all up the back and he even had mud in his hair! His shoes had to dry and then be banged off to try and loosen all the mud. Yes, we did have to wash them. We also had to wash the meet outfit for the next day to turn back in. Why, you ask. I'm not sure. Knowing what I know now, I am hoping Aaron grows so much that next year he has to get a new one and not reuse someone else's...yuck!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Catch Up

I know it has been a while since I have updated, so this will be a LOONG one.

Heather: Getting married! Yes, Heather will be getting marries to Lee on January 9th, 2010. It is short notice, but it works with both their work and school schedules. I feel for her because she is trying to do so much at once. I am afraid they will spend their honeymoon wiped out! I will let you know more as I find out.

Aaron: Cross Country is over and now we are getting ready for spring baseball. He is studying and getting good grades. I just think that he is not finding high school as easy as middle school. He is working out after school and trying to bilk up more. At least he won't look like we starve him!

Lauren: School is great! She loves the new program and she and Clark are working well together. Girl Scouts is going well. Cookie season is coming up!! Starts in January. Be ready!

Alex: He still loves school. He is just having a hard time with spelling tests and stuff. He has several loose teeth and I can't wait to see the holiday pictures!

Clark: He has had several promising interviews, so we are still praying. He is working out with Aaron and trying to keep up.

Me: I am looking for full time work to try and help make the bills. We have the house up for sale and hope to be able to stay until after the holidays. I have gotten over a case of strep throat. I always though that was a sickness for kids. Guess not!

We are all still happy and together but please, keep us in your prayers!

Hopefully I will be posting pictures soon!

Talk to you later!