Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Quiet Sunday, NOT

I try to make Sundays just for the family spending time together having fun. So far, I think that has happened twice. That's it! Today, we were supposed to go to Sunday School. It did not work that way(my fault). We started out the day with the kids playing PS2. Well, "A" and "L" were playing with "a" doing his best to bother them. He was doing a very good job. "a" and I then went to play computer,just the two of us. It was fun!

Daddy decided that "A" was big enough to go get his own haircut. Now to let you know, it was only two blocks away. I was not comfortable with it to say the least!! I watched from the backgate the whole way. Daddy went to the hardware store. When Daddy came back, he had followed "A" without either one of us knowing. I guess he wasn't as comfortable as he said he was. Daddy had to make a second trip to the hardware store and checked on "A". We have been to this salon for quite a number of years and the people there know us very well. "A" did a great job and got back with no problems at all.

Daddy and "A" then did some repair work to the floor by the back door. It seems when we had the new door put in, it wa not sealed. We then put a new floordown. Well, I am sure that it is no surprise that the boards by the developed holes from moisture. The boys (all three) replaced to boards and even cleaned up after themselves. Very Cool!

I checked my emails and "L" played more PS2. We were lazy. I had 47 emails, no exaggeration.

"L" then decided to work on her book. She is 6. The title is "Making New Friends" Right now she is doing the artwork. It looks to be very good. I would really like to get at least one copy made professionally and bound so that she can have one for herself.
The picture above shows what hard work creating can be.

Daddy decided we have all worked so hard today that he would like to go out to eat. I'm all for that.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Calgon, Take me away!

For those of you who don't know about this commercial, it was on several years ago. It had a mom that had kids fighting, the baby crying, the doorbell ringing and the dog barking. Calgon was a bath soap and with all of this going on the mom said, "Calgon, take me away" and she was magically in a bubblebath. Yeah right! If I did that in my house I am not sure if my house would still be standing when I got out of the bathtub. Either that or someone would be knocking on the bathroom door incessantly. Clagon would have to take me to a different house altogether!

Having said all that, I sure wish that I could have done that today. L is home from school for the rest of the week with impetaigo(?). And the doctor said her allergies were out of control. When L heard that she told the Dr. that they were having a party(the allergies) The doctor laughed and told L that her allergies forgot to invite her. L pops off with " My white blood cells are there." She got a shocked look from the Dr. This child really needs the gifted program.

On to the day...
After taking the other two to school, L and I had to run some errands. We only did those that we did not have to get out of the car for. We then hurried back to get "a" and headed to yet another errand. We then went to Grandma's house and had fun. Then it was hurry back home for "A". We then had a really good time. (NOT) I sent the kids on a laundry hunt while I did the dishes and made dinner. It didn't quite work out. After dinner, I sent them on a laundry hunt, again. That was a mistake. With all the laundry piled up and sorted, it really showed me how much laundry I actually had. Let's just say that each type of laundry (whites, dark, etc.) did not fit into a basket. I think that the kids had a good time sorting, though. They had quite a production line going. "A" would toss in item to "a" and tell him the type, "a" would toss it to L and into the pile it would go. Whatever works, right?

Then, it was book and bed.

A quiet few minutes and the Daddy came home ( 8pm) from work and I get to spend time with him. Doesn't it sound great? I can't wait until I don't have to do anything at all with crosswalk.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Little Guys

Wednesday, I have a conference with "a" 's pre-k teacher. She also taught "A" when he was in kindergarten. We love her!! I am afraid that she is going to tell me that "a" is too young for school yet. I'm not sure how I feel about that. On the one hand I am sad because he is just not ready for the fun that is school. On the other hand, he is my last and there is a part of me that says "good, more time with him".

I was talking with a friend of mine who had a different take on the situation. At first she said that it was a cultural thing. That black people were more the push you out of the nest kind (she is black). Then she said that it was maybe a single mom thing. She has so much to do to take care of everything else that her kids are self sufficient sooner. She said that when they are 18 they are on their own. In college, homeless shelter or on the street.

I was thinking how sad that was. I am all for independence in my kids and you guys know that my kids have independence down to a fine art!! I still would find it hard to just say o.k., get out. I would like to believe that my children would have the same relationship with me that I have with my parents. I love them, know that they care, and yes they are interfering sometimes, but that is a sign that they love you. I respect my parents not only because they are my parents, but because of the experiences that they have had. I want them to be a part of my life forever.

I want them to interfer in my life when I am 80!! I want my children to feel the same way about me. Know that I love them and always will and that I will be there when they need me. I will always stand by them as they make their mistakes in life and if I can say something to make their lives easier, I will. Does that mean that they will listen? Probably not, but they can fail knowing that I will still love them.

After all, isn't that what our parents were trying to instill in us?
Oh, well. after this I think I will just take things as they come.

Ninja Turtle

I'm not sure what he is supposed to be. It is a bit of a shock to be talking on the phone and have this come out to you. It does tend to end the conversation. I did not get too mad because it is washable.

This is what hppens when imaginations run amuck. They are ninja turtles. His back was worse. Thank you Crayola for inventing washable markers. You really can't see it, but he has a wrist communicator as well.

Monday, September 24, 2007

A Weight is Gone

Well, I did it. I called my boss and told him that Oct. 19 is my last day. I don't think it bothered him. He asked me to pick someone to replace me. Is that my job? I asked one of the guards that has seniority and she is going to think about it. Then my boss passed someone else to me to show her what I do. I am NOT going to stress any longer. I am going to call my guards and let them know that I am quitting and to pick up their paystubs now. My kids come first!!

After dinner, we read a book (Bear's New Friend) and made a cake. L and a got to lick the beaters while A got to lick the bowl. Daddy got the spatula. They all got tucked into bed on time!! Early, even. What a relief to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I want to be a mom again!

L got paperwork for the Gifted and Talented program at her school. Last year the teacher told us that she was not eligible for the GT program. Now, I am not bragging, but anyone who has met L says, HUH? to this. She began speaking when she was two and really has not stopped expressing herself. ( I may have said this before but I blame my sister) We will see what happens. If she does not qualify this time, no problem. I think I will just keep her learning extra stuff here at home.

It feels good to focus on my children.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Family Day

Sunday: A day of calm and being with family. In a dream!!

"A" heads off to Sunday school at 9am. Back to the house to grab DD to head to her class at 10:45.

DH and I have serious talk about my continuing to work. I am supposed to be working part-time as a lead crossing guard. I took this job because I was able to spend time with my kids while doing something important. I quit a supervisor position at a financial institution after DD was born. I understand what it is to work full time and to bring work home with you. I QUIT that job. I now have 20 schools to supervise. That means about 40 guards (44 including substitutes). Next year, I have been told that the ISDs that I cover will be opening 5 new elementary schools. My job is to fill all the positions, liason between schools, parents and crossing guards, to visit each school in a timely fashion to make sure that the guards are doing what they are supposed to, and to subsitute when necessary. All I have been doing is working a stop. I am VERY stressed. I have parents, schools and supervisors calling me about various things all the time. I have no control over the firing and hiring of guards, that is up the ladder. My back is killing me, my house is a mess, and my kids are pretty much on their own. Sounds like whining, huh? I know what to do. I just have to do it.

On to the day.

I have just had to take a little break to do crosswalk stuff. It is 8:30pm.

After DD was done with Sunday school, we went to Grandma's house. We were going to make cookies. We had even brought our own flour, sugar, pans, etc. When the kids got there all they wanted to do was play. So Grandma and I sat and had a good talk.

* Earlier, "a" had called "H"(college) and said:

"H, this is "a". I miss you. You are a busy girl. Will you play blocks with me? We are going to Grandma's house."

This is how a conversation with a 4 yr old goes.

She then told me that she would show up at Grandma's house as a surprise. When she got there, everyone was so excited. You would have thought it had been years since we have seen her. We saw her about a week ago. She is great. She played outside and inside and sat for a portrait by DD. She left to go finish some homework and see a movie with her roommate. The kids really had a good time. It was a very nice surprise.

While this was going on, DH and"A" and 7 of his closest friends went to the Ranger game (thanks, Grandpa).

Home, then showers, then dinner and while watching Winnie The Pooh, both little guys crashed. It was a very good day.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Just a quiet minute to sit down while the kids play CandyLand and dinner is cooking. Quick! Hurry! This won't last long.

Today was not so bad. "Aa" and Dad went to baseball practice early this morning. I actually got to sleep late (past 7) Lauren and I had a snuggly few minutes before we had to go get "a" from my sister's after the backyard campout. I hope he survived ( I hope she survived).

Pause for mediating the argument. I don't type real fast but I am not really slow, either. It did not take long for the fight to start.

After picking up "a" we went to get Grandma's house to pick her up to go to Girl Scouts. "a" did not make it home before he was asleep.

We got two new girls for the troop so we are out of the "problem" file.

Home in time for Daddy to go to his charity poker tournament with a buddy. He might play poker later as well. Even Daddies get alone time.

Dinner and a friend for "A" to spend the night.

Sunday school tomorrow for "A" and "L" so bed early, I hope.

Well, it didn't happen. Little guys down at 9:45 after WII and two books, one more bathroom, Spider Bear, please, my nose hurts,etc.

Let's finish my project for history because tomorrow we are going to the baseball game and we won't have time. Yes, we have had this project all week.
Dad can help finish it. I am exhausted.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday at Last!!

Today's schedule:

1.Kids to school- "a" made it all the way in only looking back once.
2.Gym for quick 30 min walk.
3.police station to pick up badges and slips from last payperiod
4.copy two sets of roommom intro letters
5.downtown to police training facility to pick up this payperiods slips and forms.
6.Rush to p/u "a"-Good day!! Drop off room mom letters for Monday
7.P/u neighbor for treat at Chick-fil-a for a good week for the kids. Ice cream at Braum's
8.drop off one payroll check
9.Head over to a new school to see where to put new crossing guard
wait and wait and wait-"a" is being really good. We read three stories and played the "I'm thinking of..." game several times. When we went to look at the crosswalks with the vice-principal--"a" tried to go down two separate storm drains. "Cool, it goes way down"
10.make it back to current crosswalk just in time
11.pick up "Aa" and carpool, no lizard saving this time. Yesterday there was a gecko in his backpack that we had to catch and bring all the way home to let go in our backyard.
12Drop off three paychecks
13.get home-unload car get kids in and melt!

Still to do:

"a" to LaLa for backyard campout ( I am a little worried-see previous post)
"L" and Daddy on a date
"Aa"( 12 ds) to friend's house to work on school musical
Me to scrapbook!!!

*somewhere in there-shower, pack up and drive to sister's thru traffic and back-urguggle

I think it can be done!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Why I believe in Angels

Today, my sister watched my youngest son while I had a teacher conference(see previous post). I get a phone call while I am on my corner crossing kids and my sister says "We have a situation" Not a good thing to hear!

For those who do not know little A ("a"), he broke two bones before he was four. The first one, he fell off a bed and had a buckle fracture in his wrist. My three were playing on the bed ( no more monkeys on the bed!) He went through the whole process and got his cast off within four weeks. On the day we were due to go back to the doctor, he fell of the bed and broke his collarbone!! THE SAME BED! His mattress is now on the floor.

He likes to start at the top of my driveway and ride down on his scooter as fast as he can and see how far he can go. Yes, he is only four and not very balanced. It just does not matter to him.

On Labor Day, my four year old nephew had to stop "a" from riding a skateboard down the stairs in my brother's house!! It seemed like a good idea at the time. The wall would stop him!

So when I got the phone call today, all sorts of things go through my head. It seems that my sister had a candle in her bathroom and while doing his duty, "a" decides to see how well toilet paper burns. Oh yes, you understood me correctly. His cousin watched from the hallway as "a" twisted up some paper and put it into the flame. Nothing was said until much later when my sister saw the blackened paper and asked the boys about it. "C" said "a" did it and "a" said " It was only a little fire. It's o.k the clothes got only a little burned" AAAARGH!

When my husband and I discussed it with "a" this evening, he said that it was a medium fire. There was only a little smoke.

O.K. Any fire is scary. Through all this-no one got hurt, not even singed! Nothing was burned at all. Not even clothes. We didn't even smell smoke and the smoke detectors did not even go off. I know my sister keeps up with those.

My youngest once told me he wanted to go into space like the astonauts. We are off to a good start. stuntman, test pilot, spaceman.

There must be a whole fleet of angels looking out for him. Whoever you are, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!

Thankful Thursday

My sister tells me that this Thankful Thursday (she is part of another blogger group). Being new at this, I thought, Why not?

I am thankful for my friend Hellen. She has alot going on in her life and is still together (mostly). Her daughter has been through a very rough time. She has been diagnosed with R.S.D. She is only 12 years old. There are constant medical concerns. In the midst of this, she finds time to spend with her son and her husband. She also has a business of her own to take care of. She does mosaic and scrapbooking. She has redone her living room. She and her husband are trying to open up a fish store with a friend. I could go on and on and on. Through it all, she is positive and upbeat. She even asks how I am doing!! Like she doesn't have enough!!

I am thankful that she is in my life to show me how to keep it together even when falling apart. She is a great friend anda whole lot of fun. I can call her to laugh and cry and yell and she always makes me feel better. I really appreciate her.

Love you Hellen!!

Why the Kraziness

6 am: Up while it is still dark! Gradually wake up one four year old (who is grumpy), one 12 year old (who is grumpy) and one six year old (who is way grumpy!). Convince the dog(who is grumpy) that ,Yes, it is time to go out.

6:15 Speak rather firmly my son(12), o.k., yell at him to get into the shower. Explain to my 4 yr old son the , No, we cannot watch T.V. until everyone is ready to go. This is not a new rule. It has been in place all year. He must be trying to wear me down. Tell my daughter (6) that if she does not get up, I get to pick her clothes out for her. She got up.

6:45 We are ready, barring shoes and socks. Daddy bought donut gems for breakfast. Not so good, of course. If we did not have donuts in the house, they would have wanted them.

7:15 Backpacks packed, shoes on, ready to go. Oh, by the way, I want to bring my lunch today! DD(dear daughter). She has recently decided that she is allergic to jelly and only wants peanut butter. She has also decided that she is allergic to spots on her clothes. Pack her lunch and we are out the door at 7:30!!

7:40 We are finally in the car! Get to the school without having to go back for anything!! Two youngest are at school and in the building ( whether the youngest actually gets into his class is up to the teacher)

*in between all this, I am getting calls from crossing guards (I'm the lead) about trouble with lights, needing off, etc.*

*Don't forget the husband (while you are out today could you....)

8:10 Pick up carpool ( just one) and head to the middle school.

8:15 head back to carpool's apartment to get the forgotten permission slip

8:25 Drop 12 year old off with everything he needs(I hope). Wait 5 minutes to get out of the school drive.

8:30 Get to the gym.!! Walk and talk for 30 minutes. Talk to my friend outside the gym.

9:45 throw a load of clothes in, let the dog out to finish his business. Check some e-mails

Somewhere in there I get to eat breakfast

10:30 jump in the shower

10:50 get in line to pick up youngest. He had a happy face daty Talk to my boss about payroll issues.

11:00 We are on the way to my sister's house. She is watching him while I am at a teacher conference for my daughter. No problems- she is finishing her work too fast and then talking. I blame my sister.

1200 Leave my sister's and head home to scarf some lunch and get to the conference at 1:30

1:30 Conference time!!

2:00 Done! " I am really impressed with L's language abilities" ( She talks too much) The teacher is really on top of things though. I hope it will be a great year.

* Don't have time to get back to my sister's before afternoon crosswalk. Feel sorry for her- She has three boys who are all four years old!! (mine and her twins)

2:30-3:15 Train new crossing guard.

3:30 Pick up carpool at middle school

4:00 Snack time and going through backpacks trying to prevent the " Oh, by the way Mom..." for tomorrow morning.

The rest of the evening will consist of Laundry, homework, projects (2 of them), dishes, dinner, showers, books, and bed for the children. Somewhere in there is time with my husband. Finish with my e-mails. Watch a little T.V. Make sure everything is ready for tomorrow morning. Fall into bed about 11:30.

Today is a calm day.